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"Heyy, buddy..." by Envenomate

"Heyy, buddy..."


"... you really didn't think this out very well, did you?" the werecat says cheerfully as she crouches over her would-be assailant, ears twitching. "I don't blame you, really! I mean, you probably didn't know I'm a top-notch assassin on top of the whole nonhuman thing."

You would have thought she was relaxed if not for the predatory gleam in her eyes, or the way she holds her knife over you -- you didn't even see her pull it out! But the friendly, conversational tone she's taking with you is adding insult to injury after the thorough thrashing you just received, a fight which you very quickly realized you were outmatched in. She should have been an easy mark; teenage girl alone in a hotel room, no parents or guardians in sight. You thought she was a runaway or something.

But the duffel bag full of weaponry and a peculiar-looking bodysuit you got a glimpse into before she slammed your head against the wall say otherwise, as does the strength in her wiry limbs.

"Listen, miss, this is all a big misunderstanding," you bluster, keenly aware of the blade two feet above your face and the sharp teeth just beyond that.

"Wrong room?" the girl asks with sweet venom, and as she shifts to lean closer to you the light glints menacingly off of the steel knife.

You suddenly come to the painful realization you will never leave this hotel room.

Not in one piece, anyway.

Hey, look, I actually drew Sira in her proper anthro form. I've only done that like. once in the past....three? years?
yeaaah.... oof.

Pose and background were heavily referenced off of a photo I took of myself in my room while my dog looked on in confusion.

(I know her piercings are the opposite of her ref placement I did it on purpose. I'm thinking of permanently moving the industrial, since I recently got a matching one in my left ear xP)

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    <3 I'ma throw love on this here too <3 <3 <3

    This is gonna end up being one of my favorite pieces from you

    • Link

      You're making me cry again oh my gosh ;A;
      Thank you so, so much! It means a lot coming from you ;;A;; <3333