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Benson & Kevin Chapter 15 by emperorwolf

Chapter Fifteen: Ronaldo Ghast, and Aeon's past.

"they say 'honour thy father' ... but with all things, even THAT respect must be earned, it is not automatic"


kevin was on the phone, he was speaking to his father in fluent firan.
benson was nervous, kevin had told him thet his father didn't approve of Bukis, he'd been that way ever since the ravaging. it was quite natural for the little fox to be nervous, but kevin had assured him he'd be fine.
benson didn't believe him.

"yes father, ... yes. ... no, i'm fine... y-you are? ...okay... i'll see you soon, then..."
kevin hung up "my father's going to arrive soon..."
benson fidgeted
"don't worry, i wont let you get hurt."
"but... what if he...?"
"he won't..." kevin tried to reassure him "hey, do you think you can whip up something?"
the fox stood shakily on the table "i'll try... he's not a cinnamon addict is he?"
kevin recalled the previous incident they had with the substance "no, no... that's just me... with chicken... uh... can you do a roast beef replicate?"
"i think so..." benson calmed down
a loud crunching noise, followed by an electrical sound came from outside as a vehicle pulled in.
kevin winced "i...think he just crushed your bike..."
benson growled "you go greet him, i can get a replicate done quickly."
kevin nodded, and went downstairs to greet his father.

kevin opened the door, and his father, basically an older looking version of himself, stood there beaming
"Kevin!" the older german shepherd hugged him "how ya been, boy?"
kevin returned the embrace "it's great to see you too!"
his father submitted to the language change without annoyance "so, is my son going to let me in?"
"yes, come in!"
they walked in and went upstairs.
kevin's father remained in a good mood... until he saw the little fox putting the finishing touches on the roast.
"son, there's something on the table..."
he pointed at benson like he was some kind of disgusting creature.
kevin winced "f-father... that's my friend... the one i told you about... remember?"
"you didn't say your ...'friend'... was... Vermin..."
benson tried to look respectful, and bowed.
kevin stammered "u-uh ... f-father... please."
kevin looked at benson "b-ben, this is my father... Ronaldo Ghast... Father, this is Benson Palmer... my Best friend..."
ronaldo growled "vermin are only good for one thing..."
kevin stepped between his father and his friend "no! he PREPARED dinner, he is NOT dinner!"
benson stepped back, his face showing an expression of pure terror, he cowered in a foetal position, whimpering.
kevin stood up straight "father. if you DARE... i'll drop out!"
ronaldo was taken back "k-kevin, you're not serious... besides, who'd know...?"
ronaldo sighed, he needed his son to get good grades so he could have a good life. "fine..." he looked at the cowering fox "i... will not..."
benson only continued whimpering, rocking back and forth, and some of the cutlery dissolved.
kevin sighed in annoyance "now look what you've done, father." he walked over to comfort his friend "ben, please calm down... he's not going to do it, it's okay, please stop dissolving things."
benson continued having his fear-brought breakdown
"ben, please..."
the little fox coughed "s-sorry..."
ronaldo looked around nervously "... a particle technician...?"
kevin helped benson to stand "father, you have to apologise to ben, that might help."
ronaldo groaned "i... i am sorry... er... benson, was it?."
things stopped dissolving, particles hanging in midair.
the fox looked up "o-okay... i-i'll try and fix..."
the fox concentrated hard, and the utensils reformed.
kevin tried to lighten the mood "d-dinner looks good, ben."

a thump sounded a few meters away.
everyone turned.
a yellow fox wearing combat gear stood on the bench.
"hello, ...stepbrother."
benson glared, somehow throwing away his distress "Mr Ghast, this guy... it's okay to HATE HIM." he said to ronaldo.
"who is that, ben?" kevin asked
"my adoptive brother, kori, he's VERY against the existence of Giants."
kori laughed "can't i drop in on my stepbrother? ... and do a little 'housecleaning' while i'm at it?"
"NO." benson snarled "GET OUT."
the two german shepherds looked at eachother, clearly, there was a reason benson hated kori.
benson grabbed his phone "get OUT kori!"
kori grabbed his own phone "how about no?"
images began to quickly race by on the foxes' phones, and their eyes turned green.
"father get back!" kevin leapt back, and his father didn't object.
green lightning shot from the foxes' eyes, colliding halfway between them.
the lamps and lights flickered.
the radio quickly jumped between channels.
the computer switched on and went haywire.
benson and kori screamed at each other, the lightning becoming more intense.
kevin noticed that kori was wearing something on his ear, it was buzzing...
working properly.
"break the device on the yellow one's ear!"
kori's face turned to fear.
benson smirked, and a bolt of lightning arced out and hit the device.
kori cried out, and his lightning stopped.
benson's slammed into him, knocking him down.
ronaldo stepped forward "-before I arrest you."
kori looked at the older canine in fear, and hit a button on his watch.
he digitised and vanished.

a few minutes later, the german shepherds sat at the table, eating, while benson explained about kori from where he sat on the tabletop ", he always acted like he was better than me, he has this crazy idea that giants are some kind of plague, and that it's his 'duty' to 'cure' the world of them, he thinks that because i 'heard voices' when i was younger, that my technomagic is the key to that."
ronaldo hummed "i can see that."
benson continued "but when i said to him that the voices were saying there was a 'greater power' i was to be used against, he convinced everyone that i was insane... even though we'd BOTH met the 'greater power' in question"
kevin swallowed a mouthful of beef "who was it?"
"a man... a man in a grey cloak... wearing a black and white mask"
ronaldo stopped "the masked genocist, Isello Shay?"
benson nodded "but, as you know, ... something else got to him first."
"yes, an odd thing... a canine who whipped knives around. he must've had them on wires."
kevin nodded "yeah, but did you hear? they say the masked guy's sons took over for him after he died."
"yes, son. that's true. we've reason to believe that his sons were the ones who attacked the bank. they fitted a genetic match with the masked genocist."
benson stood, and brushed himself off "i think we've met two from their gang, actually."
ronaldo frowned "you met the 'shattered light' and you survived?! how?"
kevin took another piece from the roast "our friends helped"
"so that's why there's burn damage..."
"yes, sir." benson answered "i'm not going... to be arrested am i? i know law #77 prohibits technomagic..."
ronaldo thought about it ", you used it in self defense against a Faux-Technomage, that's fine."
"thank you.... wow, so my best friend's father is an officer of the law... guess i better watch it, huh?"
ronaldo laughed "yes, you get kevin drunk before he's eighteen, and i'll see you punished!" he half joked.
"i see, sir."
"this is pretty good, by the way." he gestured to the roast.
"thank you."
"how DID you cook it so quickly, though?"
"with... technomagic..."
"well, arresting you over such a perfectly done meal wouldn't be very kind, would it?"
everyone laughed.

kori rematerialised a few miles away.
"fuckin' monsters."
a group of thirty other Bukis, of ranging species, all wearing combat gear stepped forward.
"captain, did you succeed?" they all asked in unison.
kori straightened up "bad news, boys... the one we were tracking... he's being guarded by my stepbrother.
all thirty of them cursed and growled at the mention of the orange fox.
"we need to get moving, everyone, follow me!" kori demanded
and they all ran off under the cover of darkness.

back at kevin's, ronaldo was looking beneath the wheel of his car.
"yes... i HAVE destroyed your motorcycle..." he groaned.
benson, perched upon kevin's shoulder, growled angrilly "i expect you to pay for the damage."
"i will. i'm very sorry. how much is it?"

"fourteen grand, including the 'destruction of property' fees"
ronaldo stood, groaning "i'll... see to it... IF you can get kevin's grades up."
"i will."
the older german shepherd got into the car and reversed out, waving back at them as he drove away.
"so, you were born on Fira Deralo, kevin?"
"yes... also, i didn't know that i owned so many utensils created by paretic... paricle... particle-molec... whatever. you know what i mean."
benson's phone buzzed.
he answered it.
it was khyber, so he put him on speakerphone.
"ben, kevin, i've got it! i know how i can get to the strells!"
"how?!" benson asked hurriedly.
"i freaking got this! just a moment..."
the line buzzed with static, and suddenly khyber sat on the railing of the steps, in canine form.
"i can teleport!!"
benson hung up. "how the FUCK?!"
"it's like... it's part of this form..."
kevin stared "s'incredible..."
khyber shifted back into feline form "isn't it? well, i better get going. seeya!"
khyber's canine features showed for a moment, before he vanished.
the two canines only stared.

patrick khyber reappeared in a snowy field.
he checked his phone's GPS: base of tirinii mountain, the strells.
"perfect." he shivered as the winter winds whipped at him.
he saw a town at the bottom of the glacier.
"i'd b-better start looking..."

khyber descended the mountain, seeing more detail in the city below as he did.
it was an expansive metropolis, raised pathways ran alongside gigantic walkways, in the centre of the city stood a huge tower, and atop it burned a bright, firey torch.
it was the city known as 'cryopolis' ... the town of his birth.
he shivered, making him wish he'd brought a jacket.
he had been so caught up, he'd ignored logic.
"d-dammit..." he cursed as he began to bolt down the mountain, nearly tripping multiple times.
his canine features withdrew.
the wind became even more unbearable after that, it seemed canines were better at dealing with cold than felines.
he stumbled, and ultimately fell over, down onto the cold, merciless snow.
he was beginning to freeze.
"D-Damn...It... All..."
(i was so close! ...)
he lost feeling in his legs
then his arms went numb
(this... is this... where...)
his body froze up, he could feel nothing from the neck down
his vision began to fade
his hearing dulled
(...let things...)
his head lost absolutely all feeling
and then everything went black.

elsewhere in cryopolis, Donnix stepped out of a resteraunt.
"can't even get a hot drink without it turning into an icicle..." he moaned.
ever since he'd left draco's group, his freezing power had gone out of control.
"i might need to get ethan's Conduit again... sigh if i ever find out where he is..."
he started walking down the raised walkway.
"well... whatever, i've got my own cup at home, least it doesn't freeze whatever's inside it when i touch it."
he reached an intersection, and went left.
he'd lived in cryopolis ever since he left the light, ever since draco's father had died.
there was no place for him there, so he didn't mind.
his ice abilities made him immune to the cold, at least. it let him enjoy the wonders of winter.
but as he thought about this... he felt a buzz in the back of his mind...
that usually meant someone was freezing to death nearby.
"oh gods... not again... why does this always happen around here?"
(probably some damn tourist.)
he knew this was just another casualty, no different from any other, but something told him to help... "what the hell. fine, brain..." he groaned "i'll help. but stop going haywire." he pleaded his subconsious self.
donnix clicked his fingers, and a chilling winter wind whisked him away.
he landed near the base of the mountain, where a black cat lay motionless in the snow, nearly buried.
he looked familiar...
...he was the one from the photo!
and he remembered why the old dog had seemed familiar.

"ohh... crap... this... this is the son of Khyber..."
he began to panic. if Aeon Khyber found out he'd let his son die... he didn't want to remember just how viciously and savagely he'd torn Isello to shreds... he didn't want to have those nightmares again...
so he quickly grabbed the near-death cat and the blizzard lifted him away.

Patrick Khyber awoke in a heated room.
there were bookshelves all around.
he sat up and could see a wood combustion heater burning at the far end of the room.
he was sitting in about ten woollen blankets.
who had found him?
he heard a noise, and a human walked in holding a metal cup, steam wafted up from it.
"welcome back..."
khyber groaned "where... am i? ... how'd i... get here...?"
"you're in my home, i found you near death in the snow."
khyber tried to stand, but couldn't
"don't bother, your legs... they froze first, they'll either thaw last or be useless."
khyber winced "why'd you save me?"
"are you the son of Aeon Khyber?"
khyber's heart leapt "Y-YES! DO YOU KNOW WHERE HE IS?!"
the human calmly sipped from his cup "no... but i know of him from a very long time ago."
khyber felt depressed "every time i get close... he gets further away."
"yeah, well his time is coming"
khyber froze up, he HAD to have misheard "what... do you mean...? is he...dying?"
"we all gotta die someday, but no, not quite. you didn't come here normally, did you?"
"no..." khyber said hestitantly.
"you teleported."
"how'd you know...?"
"i have my ways. but that power comes from your father, and his power is why he'll be hunted."
khyber could feel his legs again, so he stood "what're you saying?!"
the human smiled "ever hear of how the masked genocist died?"
khyber's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped.
"a dog, who 'whipped knives around' tore him to shreds. and his followers scattered to the wind..."
as he said this, snowflakes formed on the human's breath. "some of the followers regrouped under the leadership of his sons... determined to get revenge on the organisation that destroyed their leader."
"my... father was...?"
"your father IS Aeon Khyber The Duke Of Blades, from the 'Order Of The Emperor' ... the one who destroyed Isello Shay... and because he abandonned them to raise a family, he became their enemy."
khyber backed up
"and you... are his son, Patrick Khyber, The Shifted-Twisted Jumper"
and then a white wolf walked in.
"leave him alone, Donnix."
"i'll do as i please, and i want to tell him who he is."
khyber backed up against the wall as the wolf drew a katana.
the human formed an axe out of ice.
khyber was panicking, this couldn't be happening...
the two ran toward eachother...
"STOP!" khyber yelled, and a brief shockwave occurred...
and they all stood atop the mountain.
"did... i just...?"
the human gasped in surprise, then leapt away.
vanishing down the side of the mountain.
the wolf sheathed his sword.
"Mr. Khyber... do you recognise my voice?"
khyber stepped back "you were with my father..."
"yes i was. Donnix wasn't supposed to tell you ANY of that... but i can take you to your father."
"remember what he looked like... then... focus... focus on him."
khyber tried, he focussed on the image of his father...
and he felt a trail leading to him.
"got him?"
"i-i think so..."
"now, imagine that the thread ties itelf around you and me..."
khyber pictured it "yep"
"now, have it pull us straight to the source!"
khyber thought it, and another shockwave emitted from him, taking the wolf with him.

khyber and the wolf landed outside a large, old house, the city could be seen in the distance.
khyber laughed a little "this is... where i grew up... for a while..."
the wolf stepped forward, and loosed a distorted howl which sounded like two at once; one high, one low.
the door opened, and a very angry old canine stomped down in front of the wolf.
"WHY are you here?! don't tell me they-"
khyber realised that the wolf was blocking his father's view
he didn't know his son was there.
"easy, sir. i'm not here under orders. but someone you know almost died looking for you."
"Who?" he asked dryly
the wolf stepped aside, revealing the frightened little black cat to the giant canine, whoose face softened, then turned to shock, and he fell to his knees "P-Patrick?!"
the wolf turned and walked away, vanishing in a white flash five steps in.
khyber stared awkwardly at his father.
"patrick... how?"
khyber shivered "i... i'm not e-ent-t-t-tirely s-sure."
the old dog picked up his son.
"let's get you out of the cold, son."
he stood and walked inside
"you know, your darling mother hated the cold as well."
"really? i didn't notice."
thankfully, it was well heated inside.
"is it warm enough, patrick?"
"it-it's fine."
"are you still cold?" Aeon asked warmly
"no, no... it's good..."
Aeon looked away "you're put off by how i acted to that wolf... aren't you?
khyber stood in his father's paws "well... yeah..."
Aeon sat down on the couch "allow me to explain, son..."

Aeon told him everything, about being human once, about the order, about his past...
and about being hunted.
"...and, since i went over six yars, i couldn't change back to who i was anymore, so, after going full form on my last time, i left... i met your mother at a bar that night, well, outside it..."

-Aeon's Memory: 30 years ago- outside cryopolis central bar: 4 am-
Aeon stumbled, he'd managed to sneak away from the battle Isello's remaining soldiers were having against his former squad, he didn't care about them anymore, they'd tried to kill him.
he'd lost the use of his left arm, and he was sure that his legs were about to give way.
he sat down in an alleyway,trying not to bear his weight on the surrounding buildings.
he coughed.
(the.... full gliloutation ... has a few drawbacks... it seems...)
the moon hid behind a cloud, the only light came from the streetlamps.
he was completely hidden in shadows.
at least nobody had to see him this way.
he heard a door open, and a beautiful feline woman staggered out of a bar, her mouth bleeding. she hid around the corner of the bar as a group of surly, and likely drunk men ran out
"i dunno."
they saw her, and Aeon heard her cry out in fear "no, please, oh gods no!"
"too late, bitch. you're ours now!"
"i wanna go first!" one of them slurred drunkenly
Aeon wasn't about to let such a disgusting display go on.
he wasn't strong enough to move, but he sensed a knife in the pocket of one of the men, and started controlling it.

the knife flew up, and pointed itself at it's owner, the men panicked.
"get...AWAY!" Aeon groaned angrilly, and when the moonlight came back, they saw a very angry giant canine glaring down at them with bright yellow eyes "only... scum... take advantage... of women."
they bolted a second later.
the young female cat took a step back
"please... don't go..." Aeon begged
she stopped "p-please don't hurt me."
Aeon offered a shaky smile "hurt such... a pretty young dame? cough ... i'd never dream of it."
she slowly walked forward, and saw his many injuries, from his left shoulder, which had an alarming amount of bullet holes in it, to his legs, which were covered in cuts and gashes.
"oh... my... you're hurt..."
Aeon coughed up blood again "at ... least you're not..."
she ran forward, grabbed her phone and started dialling
"don't bother... no... Giki hospital'll...listen to you... Buki medical... technician... will help me..." Aeon groaned.
she growled "Damn Ravaging... can you walk?"
"then, get ready, i'll treat you here."
Aeon's vision was fading "who... are you...?"
just before he passed out, he heard her answer "Verona, the best DAMN medical technician there is!!"

-present day, Aeon's home-
"...and when i came to, i was all patched up. i never forgot her kindness."
khyber sat in wonder at the story "wow... what happened next?"
"well, she'd fixed my legs up well enough, so, knowing those ruffians would've told the enforcement squad, they'd've come and attacked both of us, so i told her what i was doing, picked her up, and bolted home, just as the sirens rang out."
"and she finished treating you?"
"once we were safe, yes."
khyber stood "dad... mother told me... that she was attacked that night, and that you came to her rescue. she didn't say anything about you being hurt."
"probably to make me look more heroic."
"you made HER sound heroic"
"that's because we both still love each other."
khyber had an idea in his head "hey... i... i can teleport..."
"i see" Aeon smiled "i always liked that ability, maybe that's why you have it"
"yeah... could it be used to transport mother?"
Aeon's eyes lit up "it... it could...!"
khyber did as he had last time, feeling his way to his mother.
"i've found her."
and after a small shockwave, khyber vanished.

and he reappeared in his mother's home, but, even though he appeared right in front of her, she didn't seem surprised or afraid.
she just smiled.
"hi, son."
khyber was confused, and not just at the fact that his mother had greeted him in viradan "aren't you wierded out? i just appeared out of nowhere."
she shook her head "no, patrick. i knew you were coming."
he knelt beside his mother as she sat in the wheelchair "how?"
"you have your father's spirit. i always know where you both are." she smiled warmly "always."
"so... you know..."
"i know you were just with your father." she began to cry "i miss him so much"
"mother... would you like to see him?"
she looked at him "patrick, don't toy with an old woman's heart..."
he took her hands "i'm not... the same way i came here... i can take you there..."
"patrick... thank you, son..."
he focussed, linking the thread from his father to them...
and pulled himself across the threshold.
he restrained the shockwave, so as not to damage his mother's home.

with another shockwave, they reappeared in Aeon's paws.

she looked up "hello Aeon." she cried.
"hello, verona." he said, beginning to tear up

where will this lead?

Benson & Kevin Chapter 15


chapter 15.
when I originally wrote this, a thought came to me...
"who is kevin's family?"
so, I started to introduce relatives, starting with kevin's father, Ronaldo Ghast, chief of police on Virada.
he originally comes from Fira Deralo, but moved to Virada to take position as chief some time before the story takes place.
about five years before it.

another one was "who are benson's adoptive family?"
ergo, kori, the annoying sub-antagonist, who thinks he's better than everyone else.
(his karma will get him back in the future >:P lol, spoilers)

also, I just couldn't help but give Patrick some kind of superpower :)
story-wise, it's inherited from Aeon, because of the power the big canine received from the leader of 'the order' the wolf called "999" (the emperor).
enjoy the chapter! :D

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