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Carkrel by emeraldarcanine811



Deep Cave Telepathic Space Cats

Carkrel are nocturnal, omnivorous, mammalian aliens that reside on the planet Saboria. They are nomadic and seen alone, however some can commonly be found wandering in medium-sized groups. Sentient and intelligent, they all have the ability to possess telepathic and telekinetic abilities to communicate with other races and one another. Carkrel have a 3 to 1 female-to-male ratio, with females in a single group being in the majority following one dominant male, and their social dynamics in are of a three-part ranking system. They can live up to 120 - 150 years in age, though cases like intense starvation from famine can lessen their lifespans.

Decided to make a more "official" pic of my Carkrel species. Including both the male (Left) and female (Right) differences in one picture. The concept arts have been scrapped, as I really like having a more clean-cut picture of them. Granted, I'm still touching up on the doc for the species itself, adding and removing things that I want and also am unsure of adding.

They are commonly deemed "Bio-Space Kitties" as they have an ability to glow at will and their markings can come in all the colors of the rainbow excluding black and white. The Carkrel have extreme sexual dimorphism, with males being more busy in body marks and then some while females are less so. Though varying degrees of intersexism happen, it's less than 1% (Full number not calculated yet). Both wield telepathic and telekinesis abilities. Though males' powers in this area are notable stronger, and use their markings and tail bulbs to court, while female's bio-luminescence is solely for getting around in the dark. They also have a "third eye" set in the middle of their forehead that opens up when using these powers.

The "Three-Part System" for how they work as a group is a classic Alpha/Beta/Omega social hierarchy. This has absolutely no meaning on their biology and is a rank on where they stand in a male's harem. A Carkrel group is referred to as a harem and is purely Patriarchal. Male Carkrel can be either Alpha or Omegas, with the latter able to usurp the former to rise to the rank, choose to stay as his submissive (Which leads to homosexual relations happening between the two males as well depending on how the Alpha is), or leave and essentially "restart" is rank. The Carkrel's omnivorous diet means they are very flexible and can settle on a preference for whatever they want that's edible. Males are more empathetic of their prey due to their stronger telepathy powers, and as a result are commonly herbivorous and/or frugivorous. Alpha Carkrel usually lead foraging hunts and are always the first to eat, Omegas the last to and are left with the scraps and bones. Alphas will also kill any cubs that aren't related to him any way he can, whether they're still in the Beta's womb or already born.

Female Carkrel in harems are all Betas and thus are all set in the middle of the hierarchy. They don't hunt without the Alpha's permission and rarely fight within harems, taking more of a caretaker role in that they primarily breed with the alpha male and nurture his young. Female Carkrel's powers aren't as strong or as varied as males, and can be less empathetic towards their prey in comparison thanks to this. Some harems have Betas related to the Alpha in the form of his daughters, which if they stay once reaching adulthood are too bred by him, while some harems are unrelated. (Similar to rl polygyny in animals, like lions for instance).. Females are rather hostile when in solitude as a means to survive alone, and can be aggressive to others and one another as a result. But grow much more docile when in harems and are extremely obedient and placid around a dominant male, almost jarringly so compared to their more solitary selves.

Program: Paint Tool Sai
Tools: Wacom Intuos Pro

Carkrel are are owned by Me
Do not use/steal/crop/edit/etc.

Carkrel are a closed species, You cannot make your own.

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