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Shark Week 2017--Hemingway, the Epaulette Shark by ekakinomi-art

Shark Week 2017--Hemingway, the Epaulette Shark


(EDIT--8/5/2019: When these were initially made, I was not feeling that great, but I was so passionate about these and so determined to get them posted on the appropriate dates that me and my team only added the bare minimum of details to each one. This year, they have been refurbished with species names and frames added to the ones that didn't have them, and literal water-marks for all of them, plus tags and text descriptions like the ones below,and finally I have reposted all of them to my other sites. I'm sorry for the long delay, and I hope you enjoy the new up-dates!)

🎶It was two years ago this week!
That the pixel sharks came on the scene!
Some were plain and some were full of style!
But each and every one has raised a smile!

So let me introduce to you...the funnest shark in this whole gang!
Hemingway the Epaulette Shark Maaaaaa~a~a~aaaaan~!🎶

Yes, Hemingway, an Epaulette Shark. (I'm surprised that I didn't name him Paul...) This shark is very unique, for two reasons as cool as the many elaborately-drawn pop culture references in this picture. One--this shark can actually "walk" across sand and coral reefs using specially-evolved fins that act as "legs" to push itself forward while wriggling its body accordingly--in a similar way to a salamander.

Two--it can survive for long periods of time with very little oxygen while still being able to function properly and avoid predators, so that it can hang out in shallow tide pools. It does this by lowering its heart and breathing rates and begins directing its blood flow towards its heart and brain. There are other animals that can do this, too, but only at much lower temperatures.

As for the "walking" thing, I adapted this trait for Hemingway by giving him strong, humanoid legs that allow him to walk against currents and things. They also make him look very handsome, especially with his gorgeous silk coat and captain's hat!

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