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Tempo (Sonnet) by D-Tail

Tempo (Sonnet)


Tell Father Time I haven't need of him;
my heart is good enough a metronome:
it sings my life and sings my requiem,
and when abroad, it keeps me close to home.

It keeps a record of my brisk hellos
and documents my burdensome good-byes.
It keeps me ever wary of my woes,
but thankfully as well my loving ties.

Tell Time his Death need not come visit me;
my life has vowed to reap me in his stead
with memories of pain but more of glee,
enshrined in gratitude and shades of red.

My heart keeps time but at a different beat,
a far more pleasant pace, less grave than sweet.

Tempo (Sonnet)


This poem is one of my better sonnets, I think. It's what I call an "inspirational piece" because something compelled me to write it, and rather quickly at that--yet in spite of that passionate haste, the end-result's quality seemed shockingly high to me!

I'm actually quite proud of the depth I feel this sonnet holds. I hope you all enjoy! =D

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Literary / Poetry / Lyrics


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    This is wonderful! You've got such good rhythm and rhyming. I really want to try writing a sonnet now! I love poems with a precise amount of syllables. That is why I like Haiku so much, but sonnets have a wonderful beat as well. You are a great poem and so good with words. You need to enter some contests!

    • Link

      Goodness, my sincere thanks, Shine! You have no idea how happy your comment makes me!--I'm so hard on myself with my writing too, since I'm so meticulous. I'm glad you think my poems flow so nicely; that's the most challenging part of formal poetry: weaving smooth metrics, which requires close attention to syllabics and a good ear for sound. I've always found it to be an exhilarating literary puzzle! And I love Haikus as well, man, especially since they're primarily nature-based. =D