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Toxic Hatebeast by Dr. Virus

Toxic Hatebeast

Dr. Virus

The Toxic Hatebeast is a menacing-looking creature but rest assured it is all bark with very little bite--though as its name suggests, its bite can be quite venomous.

It is adorned in many scales and spines for self-defense, though they do little to protect its otherwise soft, fleshy and ungainly form.

Its legs are underdeveloped with blobby pads for feet--completely useless for any kind of locomotion. It instead attracts prey by producing many mediocre arts and crafts with its small hands, then uses its large hooked claws and impressive reach to quickly grab hold, though it is notoriously poor at holding on for very long.

The face is long, with deep channels below its eyes to wick away a nigh constant stream of tears. It tends to sit by itself in corners and emit frequent, plaintive cries when approached. Be aware that doing so is ill-advised, as the Toxic Hatebeast is extremely needy, requiring constant reassurance and love to feel secure, and if its needs aren't met it may either lash out in a venom-spewing rage or simply retreat to its cave and bemoan its own ineptitude until consoled or approached by fresh prey.

Despite its unstable nature, when properly tended the Hatebeast can be a loyal and loving companion to those that fit its particular requirements, however it seems to be just as picky as it is needy--only certain types of prey are suited to the job, and most will find that despite their best efforts, the beast is simply uninterested.

Should you happen upon one of these piteous creatures, give serious pause to the decision to engage it, as the risks outweigh very little reward for the unprepared.

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    It's hideous, but to some extent rather adorable.

  • Link

    I'm gonna hug it