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Teatime with Agitha by Dralsk

Teatime with Agitha


[original description]

Princess Agitha has had her dear friend Aeralfos over for tea...and he doesn't seem like tea. =P

I've no idea why exactly I drew this, but I don't really regret it. I spent a lot of time on Agitha's dress, and I think the result is that great. Her hair was harder to draw because I don't like how they made it in the game, so I wanted to improvise a bit and giver a more Peach-y look (because that's obviously on whom she was based on).

I wish I had the patience to work more on Aeralfos, though. Such an underrated baddie. (And my initial goal was to work especially on him...) I've been more than a week on this drawing, though, so I'm eager to call it an end and move on to something else. Mostly I'm saddened the scales didn't make it and some other minor stuff I wanted to put too, but I pretty much like him the way he is. Oh, and the neck is a bit too long, also.

Agitha and Aeralfos © Nintendo

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  • Link

    here are not enough images of Arealfoes in the world. You have done the world a great service in drawing this.

    • Link

      'tis my honour and pride, Sir!
      But I have to agree, there definitely aren't enough of these guys...