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Snorlax Trade by Dodge_Fennec

Snorlax Trade


--Originally uploaded to FurAffinity April 2011--

Hee hee, looks like Koebi should take more care where he releases the Snorlax I just traded him for his newly hatched Zorua ... and maybe once it rolls off him he might wan to think about getting its feet washed ... oh well, its too late to do anything about it now ... ... ... true, I could pick up that Heavy Ball and remove the Snorlax completely, but Koebi looks so snug with that sweaty foot pressed into his muzzle.

Okay, so, obviously, major issue I had here was that I don't have a flesh-coloured pen to colour in Snorlax's midriff and face etc. Apologies for that, but it was either white with shadowing or orange and that just looked like the Snorlax had been far too liberal with the spray tan.
Also, I dunno what happened to Snorlax's right foot, looks like its been run over by a train :S
But, hopefully, Koebi will still enjoy this picture :D

Okay so, following an FA Journal I made a while back about my issues with DS connectivity, both Koebi and Shez very kindly helped me out massively and thanks to both their efforts, I now have a Zorua (well, now its evolved into Zozoark and kicks massive amounts of the proverbial, but that's beside the point).
It's Koebi's Zorua that he offered to trade me for a Snorlax and Shez helped me out with the Trading cause try as I might, I couldn't find anywhere that would actively support the Nintendo Wi-Fi Bollocks.

" But Dodge! You don't normally draw crush or chubby stuff! " I hear you all psychically cry. This is true, but this was a special request as I offered to make something as a Thank you for Koebi ... and aside from that, the snorlax is quite bodyforming and snug, so koebi's in no danger of being crushed, don't worry :3
I'm still in the process of discussing my thank you for Shez. But its coming ... don't tickle me, I'm working on it ...

But I really do appreciate your kindness, your patience and all the time you took to help me out. Thanks a million ^^

Koebi is © koebi
Dodge is © me Dodge_Fennec Dodge_Fennec
Zorua, Snorlax, Pokeball and the Heavy Ball are © Nintendo Corporation
The Rock is © itself

... and apparently, this picture was brought to you by the letter Z

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