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SW_Races of Asnorit: Forest Dwarves by DNLtiger

SW_Races of Asnorit: Forest Dwarves


Forest Dwarves-When Thordin The All-King of the Dwarves was murdered by Gorathone, the former's power was split into his two sons, Gromindi and Inferdum. However, there was a neutral set of dwarves which forced themselves to take no part in the feud and set off towards the fae realm, which was home to the fair folk. Sensing their plight, the fae gods and goddesses (As well as the gods and goddesses of nature) turned these neutral dwarves into Forest Dwarves, a race of dwarves that were neither light nor dark, but they did experiment with pure elemental energy. Some can call upon the spirit of the forest, while others can call upon water, fire, earth, or even wind. Some more powerful forest dwarves can control more than one element. Some sources say that they were hostile towards people they do not know well, while others were welcoming in all respect. The rest of the world see them from both perspectives, seeing that they sometimes fight alongside their light and/or dark brethren when forces threaten their lands. On the other hand, some scholars may say, "You can't quite predict a Forest Dwarf until it is too late." This is true than most people realize. Description-wise, they are like dwarves, except they usually have moss or tree-roots and/or branches as beards. They wear tunics like the dwarves of old, but they need no armor. They have good relations with the Wood Elves but sometimes they resent each other; They just can’t make up their minds.

Another expansion to the existing races, this one being an offshoot of the dwarves. This was another dwarf branch conceived of by my parnter in crime, Lordryunson.

Something Wicked©Me and Lordryunson

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