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DWD_Quarantine I by DNLtiger

DWD_Quarantine I


Quarantine I
Real Name: Gene Gastroen
Species: Mouse
Age: 26
Skills: Technological Expertise, Knowledge of Pathology and Biochemistry, limited hand-to-hand combat
Arsenal: Biohazard Suit- This Biohazard suit protects Quarantine from his anesthetic grenades, the virus and conceals his identity from the public.
Anesthetic Grenades- These gas grenades produce an aerosol form of strong anesthetics and tranquilizers.
Background: During his childhood, Gene’s parents died in a car accident leaving his sister, Marie and himself orphaned. Ever since their parents’ deaths, Gene and Marie looked to each other as the only family they could depend on. Gene was very protective of Marie, wishing to watch over her. The two later went to college, graduated and became co-workers at a small germ and biochemical lab. At this lab, they both became friends with Pierre Eblovi. One day, Pierre brought to them a special virus, which he had been told by his superiors to study. Later an accident at the lab caused Marie to come into contact with the virus. Gene was distraught and thought to call the police but was told by Pierre that they couldn’t and convinced him that he would have to find a cure for Marie himself. Believing this true, Gene began working towards a cure while keeping Marie alive with antibodies to fight off the virus. Pierre convinced him that he would need test subjects, leading Gene to kidnap people and use them to test the virus and potential cures. However, Darkwing Duckette intervened, helped Gene come to his senses and see that Pierre was using him to synthesize a concentrated form of the virus so he could sell it on the black market. Gene joined forces with Darkwing Duckette to capture Pierre who while trying to escape became exposed to the virus and caused a small fire which was believed to have consumed him. Afterwards, Gene turned himself in in exchange for his sister to get the best medical attention for her cure.

I wanted a sympathetic character that was kinda like Mr. Freeze and though, Quarantine would be a great addition. I bet you're wondering why he's "Quarantine I". Well you'll see another villain with the Quarantine title in the future. Enjoy.

Darkwing Duckette, Quarantine I©Me

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Visual / Digital