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Abr 18, 2020 by Chisech

Abr 18, 2020


Scene from a dream.

At sundown I left the school building alongside a guy I knew in the dream. It didn't seem we were taking classes but we still had backpacks for whatever activity we were doing at school. While making our way back to my house we took the road that ran along the school building which then branched into a dirt alley running behind the building in one direction and a cobblestone street that branched away from school in the other. However, I noticed that a gated half-wall had been installed just before the branching portion. I "remembered" that the streets around here had been reorganised to increase pedestrian safety, so we instead decided to use the road that circled around the branch we normally took before.

As we walked, my friend talked about this event his friend had been invited to but wasn't sure of attending. The event was intended for itena mostly, not humans, so the guy asked if I could accompany his friend just in case. The next day I was hiking uphill with the guy's friend. The mountain's slope was rather gentle unlike the steeper mountains I'm familiar with whose tracks often require all four limbs to be used. Taking in the scenery, I noticed the mountain and surrounding terrain were desertic and bare, with significant vegetation only present halfway up. I also noticed Wokaya's arms over the horizon.

We both eventually reached the plateau where the itena-centered event was taking place. There was an arch at the entrance with large letters spelling "Irwin Inskeep", which was apparently the name of the event. Close to the entrance were about five humanoid, bird-like itena singing in unison to the guests. Part of the plateau had been cleared of vegetation, with several log cabins and buildings for both lodging and events dotting the area. We stayed in one of the cabins but I can't exactly remember what happened next.

I was working at some kind of spaceport. It looked something out of a sci-fi series, complete with gray/white, metallic-looking hallways and rolling doors. While walking around the facility I spotted a completely humanoid itena. It quickly became apparent they were not supposed to be there, as I saw guards wearing uniforms similar to mine chasing them. I concluded this person was trying to steal confidential information from us but they seemed to be having a hard time escaping. At one point the camera changed to follow the humanoid itena. I saw them opening a passage from one floor to the one under it. After landing and standing back up they opened their mouth while trying to figure out if the way was clear. At this moment I saw their hard palate which was parted in half like an eyesocket with a black orb in the gap. This person looked perfectly human save for this detail.

Later I learned that a criminal organisation was kidnapping itena and extracting their cores in order to recreate the original physical manifestation of Itemia (aka Theratera) in Wokaya. I managed to enlist a human and two itena, one of the latter taking the form of a humanoid bat and acting as my partner. Together we tried to thwart the organisation's plan which eventually led us to a house in a grassy clearing in the middle of a forest. To our dismay, however, the criminal organisation had enough cores to start a runaway reaction that caused the cores of all itena in the world to converge into the same location. The itena by my side suddenly lost their physical form and their cores floated towards the hole in the ceiling. Me and my human partner managed to catch their cores but it was difficult to keep them from slipping past our fingers. Because of that, we couldn't save any more itena and powerlessly looked on as several cores gathered above the kitchen forming a large black mass.

Submission Information

Visual / Modeling / Sculpture