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Alium (Screenshot Study) by Deriaz

Alium (Screenshot Study)


The internet seems to like this, so I will share it a bit further than Tumblr/Twitter.

Found my charcoal, did a quick study of an Alien: Isolation screenshot. One, because I wanted to do something fun to shake off the rust of working with that medium and two, because how draw xeno? I hadn't seen Alien or Aliens until this past weekend. I feel dumb for having not seen those two really, REALLY good movies. (I liked the first one more -- it felt more believable, and tense.) I'll maybe give drawing a Xenomorph a more original attempt in the future, rather than a study.

I may delete this later down the line.

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    I really like how this turned out! This could totally be a cover illustration for one of Dark Horse Comics' "Aliens" comic books!

    I remember back in high school how my nerdy friends and I used to argue which one was better, "Alien" or "Aliens"...I personally had no preference, I enjoyed them both--but I do agree that the first one had more of a realistic function to it, making it feel more likely to have happened in "reality".

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      That's why I like it, yeah! Aliens was also really freakin' cool, but the first half sort of annoyed me with how some of the grunts acted. And then the later half, when Ripley walks back into that place with two guns strapped together ... It was cool in its own right, but it felt like a weird shift in mood. It may also have been because I watched them back to back, so going from tense surprise about one alien to "shoot 'em all! oh woah hey there's a queen burn the eggs!" two hours later was... Odd.

      I also think I just liked the sleeping alien on the escape shuttle in the first movie way too much. I gasped, and then laughed.

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        The next two movies (Alien3 and Alien Resurrection) should probably avoid if you can. They have their moments, but overall....meh. Watch "Prometheus" if you can,'s kinda a prelude to the "Alien" franchise and was surprisingly better than I thought.

        There are times when some of those older sci-fi movies were better than some of the sci-fi movies nowadays. chuckle

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          My old roommates said the same about the other Alien movies. I've heard mixed things about Prometheus -- a few have said to definitely see it, some have said "Don't see it if you like Alien because it's like a kick in the dick." So... I dunno. If I come across it, I will definitely watch it, but I won't be actively hunting it right away.

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            Always worth a watch if you can find it for free anyways!

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    I've been meaning to watch both of the movies after watching Prometheus! ><

    But that aside, you've a really nice study you here. :3 If there's anything I could suggest, it'd be to dull the highlights on the creature's shoulder (arm?) just a tad as it's kind of stealing the attention away from the head (at least for me). It's not absolutely necessary, as it's more of a personal preference~ Great job though! I hope you'll do another later one. :D

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      See above for Prometheus! Keirajo mentioned it as you did too!

      I agree on the arm highlights. I don't have the screenshot off-hand anymore, but I believe it was less highlighted on the shoulder/arm/chest. There was a thin highlight I believe, but not as much white as I have. I blame being rusty, but it's definitely something I will be careful about in my next charcoal antics! ... Whenever that is!

  • Link

    For a brush-up with charcoal, this is really quite lovely! It almost has an...Isolation feel to it? Regardless, this is fantastic and certainly very intimidating. This particular xenomorph seems like he's got a bit more girth to him, and it just adds to the overall feel to the piece.

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      I might be misunderstanding, but the Isolation feel is probably from referencing a screenshot from the game. Unless there's an Alien movie or book called Isolation, too? I'm a bit ignorant of the series, seeing only the first two movies recently, so apologies if I'm just not catching on!

      I do have a bit of a habit of either making someone terribly skinny, or beefing them up, when first drawing them. It's usually not a problem, which I don't think it is for this one, but it's always something I try to be aware of. And sometimes, like in this one, I don't quite notice it. Oops! But you don't seem to mind, and others haven't complained, so it can't be too detrimental!

      Thank you!