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Hunter to Demon by Deo

Hunter to Demon


More badges by MaybeMantis!

I'll have to get the other one up soon as there were three in this matching set. For those of you who like the TV show Supernatural Mantis drew me three badges of my character as an angel, a demon, and a hunter. This picture shows the hunter on the left (wearing Dean's Red Plaid Shirt of Angst) and the demon on the right (holding the First Blade).

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    AAAHHHHH /endfanboysqueal

    I have to ask, were you as disappointed as I was about that? I thought it was going to lead to a really interesting arc where Dean is actual demon instead of non-soul having or possessed by Lucifer type dealio.

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      Yeah I was. I was super looking forward to a violent, dark, powered up demonic Dean. He's so much "the good guy" in the show and I just wanted to see him evil. I wanted him to challenge Crowley to take over Hell as Alastair's pupil. I wanted Sam to have to face his demon blood addiction again, what with a demon being so close all the time. I wanted some epic fights and unleashed badassery. I really wanted so much more than like, two episodes of bar carousing and a very nice civilized "demon" and a quick "then he got better!" Demon!Dean could have been such a game changer, I would have loved for the whole season to have him as The Big Bad and pit brother against brother. But nope, conscientious demon Dean whom is damned polite for being so "evil" and a quick write-over. UGH. I was more excited for S10 because of that than I was of S6-9.

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        Right? It doesn't make any sense where Dean, who had given in to corruption the first time he died by torturing the souls of people and now it's I don't think I remember much of season 10 because it was so overhyped then it became very anti-climactic