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The Facilitators: Causa Grati (art by Madfox by Darkwitt

The Facilitators: Causa Grati (art by Madfox


CODENAME: Causa Grati
CIVILIAN NAME: Cassandra Quay
MARK: Vertical Lens 
PRESENTATION: Morse Code in Conference, Gold Cobra Mask,  in person. Hides tail as belt to obscure Species of Snake.
AGE: 50
SPECIES: Glossy Snake
SPECIALIZATION: Politics, Trade, Foreign Affairs
OCCUPATION: Senator, Former First Lady
HISTORY: Born in Arizona on a Military Base, Cassie grew up in Mississippi once her mother moved off base to separate from her overbearing father. She spent much of her teenage life  abroad learning multiple languages and better understanding  cultures beyond her home country. Her sweet southern belle routine helped her gain connections in politics, and her incredible political stratagem helped her husband become the President of the U.S. for two terms. Now she works as a senator hoping to amend future relations with other countries. While her influence in the States is moderate, her foreign soft power is vast. Much of her activities involve the foreign affairs office, and her tightly knit cabal of ambassadors called the Quorum of the Lens enables her to be far reaching with her words and influence. Her position in the facilitators is unchallenged. 
I was unprepared when I met Causa Grati face to face for the first time. Her professionalism turns on and off like the flick of a switch. I can never tell when she's trying to sweet talk me or when I'm genuinely taken by her charisma. She sees potential in me, and finds my faith in people to be refreshing. But she also accuses me of being gullible at times. Though she aims to amend this by taking me under her wing some. She's taught me "The Game" of politics. Which will be useful. 

But I can't help but imagine she's built my skills with a critical gap she aims to exploit later. I asked her of such. She said nothing, but I swear she smiled behind her mask.

I detest politics. 

Art by @HowlingMadfox

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