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Whirlpool Galaxy by Dark Violet (critique requested)

Whirlpool Galaxy (critique requested)

Dark Violet <-Mood Music

Drawn during the 24 hour art stream, this piece has been in my mind for quite a number of months now - and actually I think it came out pretty damn well! Messing around with the galaxy and the first was so damn fun, as well as the fire on Ammy's back. it was a bit of a challenge again to combine the art style of Okami with my own, but I think I pulled it off in the end. Any comments on that, people?

Anyway, this art took approximately 17 or so hours to draw, not including time spent eating, chatting, or reading a hilarious Stargate SG-1 Transcript. I'd also like to thank Lyzerof, Icky, Rixie and everyone else in the stream for critiquing it and the rest of the picture for me :3

This based off a scene from Okami, where Amaterasu looks up at a great whirlpool of stars in the sky from Watcher's Cape. It's so beautiful, so relaxing... and then you have to use the wind to spin the stars, thereby creating a whirlpool in the sea below to open up a path to the underwater Dragon Palace.

Hey, I said it was a good game, I never said it made much sense.

Enjoy :3

Okami (c) Clover Studios / Capcom

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    17 hours o_o

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      I was honestly worried that it was going to take longer, but I ended up with plenty of time to spare. Too much in fact, I started being stuck for stuff to do :P But I managed to power through until the end.

      17 hours is up from the ~12 hours it took to make a piece a year and a half ago, but then, I think the quality is significantly up to, so I'm fine with that~

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    This came out really nicely! I saw it on the front page b/c you wanted critique, but to be honest I think it looks great as is.

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      Thanks very much!
      Well, if ya do see anything, please feel free to say so. I'm always wanting to improve!

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    The whirlpool galaxy does exist. M51 or whirlpool galaxy.

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      Indeed! I actually referenced a Hubble photo of it when I drew this ^^