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By Request of the Client... by Dark Violet

By Request of the Client...

Dark Violet

When a character looks in a mirror, and is shocked by what they see, a reader may wonder about what has happened. Has the character undergone some manner of timetravel? Or perhaps, has their mind been transposed to another body? Or perhaps something has appeared on their face, something unseemly and distressful?

A little further down the list, past the science fiction plot threads, fantasy novel premises, and teenage nightmares, we finally happen upon the reason behind the specular debacle of Firenze the Ninetales.

You see, being General Supervisor of a brothel does not mean that he doesn't work alongside the rest of the, ahem, 'waiters'. On the contrary, he prides himself on serving in every facet the Café offers, and dedicating himself entirely to the whims of the customers.

And from here comes the current predicament. A request from a customer, a barely-thought-through acceptance, and an over-enthusiastic costume designer with a stickler for detail is all it takes for us to arrive here, before the mirror, with this scene presenting our valiant hero.

After all, when you look into a mirror, we all like seeing someone we would like to spend the night with...

But like this...?

A commission for the ever-wonderful Guri~


I've done more art in this style! Give it a look~
Endless Flight
A Very Okami Christmas 2014
Divine Intervention

What is Café Plaisir? Click here!

Café Plaisir (c) Pali Bakufun
Pokémon (c) Nintendo/Game Freak

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Visual / Digital