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Blood Crusher by DarkRyuukin

Blood Crusher


One of my blood crushers for my Khorne Demon army in 40k

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  • Link

    This is fantastic.

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      Thanks! I'm quite proud of it myself, its really only the third thing I've ever painted

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    Ah go0d ol warhammer.
    I still paint some stuff now and then, but I stopped playing the game a long while back.
    Go0d job. :)

    • Link

      Are you in any way friends with the poster above you? Cause if not thats hilarious.
      Thank you kindly~! Painting is half the fun, but I do love the fighting of the game too, but I'm a huge strategy player, RTS games and the like

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    Haha! I just noticed. xD No, I cannot say that I am.

    Ah it got really samey and costly for me, but then I've been playing for years so. But the painting is always fun regardless. Plus, a lot of the models I can use in roleplaying games such as D&D and Pathfinder. So, its all go0d.

    Yeah, the strategy side of the game is always an appeal I found. :)

    • Link

      Haha thats awesome

      Yeah it is very costly ._. I have to buy my Lizardmen still, and its like EEEEEEH. But I have all I need for my demon army, so I can just relax and paint and play against people with them. I've only been playing 3 years now so yeah... but I love Gamesday too, going to those is fun too. Though I don't think they have it going on this year, which is unfortunate. Ah well.

      You play DnD and pathfinder? That's freakin epic. I'm currently going through a 4e DnD campaign my boyfriends DMing. I've been doing DnD for much longer though.

      Strategy games are the best

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        Yeah I'd been playing since 2nd Ed 40k... so... '95..ish. Only had a couple of games of 6th. Got rid of a lot of my armies, apart from a playable army of Orks. :)

        Yeah, well, I play Pathfinder, which is pretty much 3.5 D&D. Not played any of 4e tho.
        I'm in a few campaigns atm. Playing more than I GM atm as my main group, someone else wanted to give GM'ing a go.... not that I mind, allows me to play some!

        In an online game with a 9th lvl Dwarf Ranger, in the GM's own living world, which is cool.

        My main group, I'm a lvl two Halfing Fighter.

        And in another online game, I'm a 3rd lvl Half Orc Druid

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          Ooooh, fair enough then yeah. I think I'd keep my demon army if I ever parted with everything else. I absolutely love them (which reminds me I should upload one of my images of the whole army haha)

          Yeah, I GM'd a pathfinder game for a bit, wasn't quite up my alley, but maybe its because I've played 4e for too long. But I'm not one of those people whos like GASP OH NO THIS IS THE ONLY EDITION TO PLAY

          Those are some sweet ideas for characters. Currently in the campaign I'm playing, I play a lvl 6 Tiefling Bard yeah :3 she's sweet as hell (pun intended?)

          I've also played Eclipse Phase and Shadowrun, if you ever have, and if not, if you're ever looking for a scifi dnd type game, I'd recommend those two

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            Yeah, my halfling fighter is probably the most fun to play. Shes this ballsy lil tough nut. :D
            The druid is quite general.. but the dwarf ranger, hes being played like a dwarf, but with no dwarfish connections.... which confuses a lot of the NPC's. Like, he doesn't like like the fact he is a dwarf almost... kinda has a lot to do with his exile, but eh.

            Tiefling bard eh? Sounds pretty cool :D
            Yeah, Pathfinder is a lil... its system is flawed I feel, but its splash books, and the detail they go into.. and the adventure path books are all really great. Bit of a patch work quilt of a world though, is Golarion.

            Yeah, played Shadowrun before. Started briefly in 3rd ed, then played a lot of 4th. Not been able to play 5th yet tho. I have a lot of the 4th stuff, so, I may just pick up the core book for the 5th at some point.

            Other games I've played tho... a lot of oWoD.. some nWoD.... and a bit of Legend of the Five Rings, and a lil bit of 1st and 2nd Ed Exalted. :)

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              Haha those are the best, my tieflings kinda... I'm not sure yet. Still growing her after my minotaur shaman I started the campaign off with ended up almost dying and I wanted to change classes and races
              Oh very fun, like my minotaur then, who was raised by elves and so it was really confusing for people

              Never seen it. But yeah its flawed, but also good, I like, want to combine it and 4e and see what happens haha

              Nice~ I have no idea what ed we played, it wasn't for very long, and I didn't go to most of it since no one told me that magic was still possible (I'm not a fan of sci fi)

              Never played those, they sound cool though!

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                Aye Exalted is pretty cool. You basically play demi-gods.. so kinda a very high powered game.

                L5R though, is the opposite... well depending on how you are playing it I guess. Its all very Eastern, ninjas and Samurai type feel to it, but in its own world. It can be quite brutal in that one sword hit is going to hurt!

                World of Darkness, well, its a pretty basic system I find. But fun none the less. :)

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                  Ooo, I may have to look into Exalted, given I'm the type of person that my first campaign idea was to have everyone run through the nine hells at much higher levels starting out

                  Thanks a ton! (also if youre curious, i did upload my full army)