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OC-tober Day 8 by D00p

OC-tober Day 8


Popper is a designer-in-training and an emissary for Cell tasked with patrolling the VW to locate anomalies, reporting back to Olive (another designer-in-training), who fixes them. Since Cell got kinda swamped helping out more inexperienced designers with their new worlds/fixing damage done by Soed, he put Popper and Olive more or less in charge of the VW, telling them to only contact him/bug him for help if it was ABSOLUTELY necessary. Things go very wrong because of this!

It’s okay if you have no idea who any of the people I just mentioned are or what the fuck is going on. Designers are like gods/world makers. Cell is one, and Soed is an evil one!

Popper is nearly omniscient. He can’t see and hear everything at once, but he can pop literally anywhere in the VW at any time in an instant, and can move even beyond the world (past the fourth wall basically, with like appearing outside borders and addressing the audience quirks) to get a different point of view. The only places he doesn’t have free access to are the designers’ dimension that they watch from, and other worlds.

He’s okay at his job! He notices anything off and reports back to Olive quickly and together they keep everything running pretty smoothly. He can be a little easily distracted though, and while he’s not really allowed to talk to anyone besides Olive and Cell and DEFINITELY ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED to tell anyone about upcoming events or otherworldly dangers that they aren’t meant to know about (designer work, basically, or attacks from Soed, that kinda thing), he’s made an unfortunate habit of having chats with people and maybe slipping a couple of sensitive details now and then. He gets very attached to both Tro and Annie and checks in on them frequently.

Popper is generally an optimistic and cheery guy, and can get a little obnoxious with his enthusiasm. In designer years he’s still very young and has a lot to learn about controlling his emotions and often acts before thinking. Any heavy burst of emotion makes his eyes glitch out and “drip”.

Cell originally made him with legs, but Popper immediately removed them to test out his powers. He likes himself better this way.

Here’s a song for him!

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Visual / Digital
