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Pokémon War Transformers by Cyborg-Lucario

Pokémon War Transformers


The maximals and Predacons are waging their battles in the planet of Pokémon when Giratron, a young commander of the Predacon helped the criminal Mindbender out of prison and took with him a team consisting of (from bottom to top) himself, Powerarm, Whirlpool, Smokescreen and Mindbender to that planet to solve the mystery of the dreams he had since the day he came out of his protoform capsule.

Such risks could have dire consequences for the Maximals who had promised to keep Mindbender imprisoned. A young leader to be named Lux Prime, a student who did excellent at several missions, but he hasn't performed a field mission so far away from Cybertron and chances are his team might not have contact with the Maximal council as no one knows for sure what the planet is like and what effects it might have on Cybertronian technology.

Lux's team consists of (from bottom to top) Lux Prime, Ironhide, Minerva, Voltage and Sandstorm. And together they will make sure to bring back Giratron and his team before they can do major harm on the Pokémon planet.

Who will win the Pokémon Wars? And who's the force that manipulated the Predacon and Maximal teams to come to the Pokémon Planet?


This took a while but I like how it came out. My original plan was to have the characters

in separate images, but I decided to have them all in the same big drawing to make it more impressive.

This is also a smaller version of the pic since the original turned out to be huge! You may see the original on Patreon, which was where it was originally posted a week prior.

I know I don't usually do these kind of things, but I do it for the respect of the sites, if that makes sense to you.


Steam: cyborg_lucario

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