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The Northern Dragon, Tengen Luka by Cyborg-Lucario

The Northern Dragon, Tengen Luka


Tengen Luka is the daughter of famed daimyo Tengen Lugi, and the current head of the Tengen Clan.

Though originally that wasn't to be. Back when she was 10 she had competition with her younger sister, Tengen Fuuka.

Even though she was the oldest of two siblings, so were her parents considering her younger sister to take Lugi's place as a daimyo.

Angered, she took Fuuka away to a lonely cliff by the sea to do a duel to the death.

When Luka disarmed her of her weapon and was ready to deal the finishing blow, until she heard her sister cry.

Luka barked at her to stop and accept death like a woman, but was taken aback by one word that her sister said.


Luka grew furious and explained that their parents were planning on having Fuuka become the next leader of the Tengen clan instead of Luka, even though she was working harder for their appreciation.

Fuuka went up to her older sister and beat her on her chest while crying and telling her how weak she was to not directly complain to them and prompt to do something cowardly like killing and unarmed child.

Luka, now furious and confused, punched her sister so hard, she stepped back in pain. She didn't notice that she was close to fall down from the cliff.

Luka realizing what she has done ran to save her sister. But Fuuka was now scared of her unreasonable sister that she slapped Luka's helping paw and so fell down to the sea.

She was quickly banished from the Tengen clan when her parents found out what happened.

During 5 years, she lived amongst peasants and beggers, trying to find her place. Learning about stuffs, and grew an interest in foreign stuffs.

That changed when Ako, Luka's babysitter and retainer of the Tengen clan, found her and told her the news that her parents passed away, unable to produce a new heir. So if Luka didn't accept to become the new clan leader, so would the Tengen clan automatically loose to another local clan.

Luka saw this as her chance to make up for her clan and so accepted.

What followed was a swift battle with the Tengen clan as the winner. Many were amazed by Luka, who was the youngest general in recorded history.

The clan and all the villagers and shamans gave her the title of "Northern Dragon".

She now leads her armies to protect her region, conquer all of Mahin, and to develop Mahin into a prosperous country.

She may show a smirky and secure face, but deep inside, she's filled with the sorrow of her childhood.

Tengen Luka is one of the main characters in the metaplot to Tales of Three Countries. She and another character (who I swear I will talk about later) are probably the two characters I spent most time on developing.

When first designing Luka so did I base her on Date Masamune, a famous daimyo of the Sengoku Jidai period of Japan.

Like with Japanese names, so comes her surname first, and her first name last.

Tengen Luka (c) Cyborg-Lucario

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