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[concept] The Maharaj by Cyborg-Lucario

[concept] The Maharaj


The gazelle-like maharaj. The word maharaj comes from their word of "the crowned".

The maharaj prides themselves in their intellect and their skills at using magic and inventing stuffs.

Which historically started several thousand years ago by a male Maharaj named Sahir in his quest to unite the tribes. But we have already covered his story.

Let us just say that he became what he's today known as; the first hero, the first king, the god of crafmanship and heroics, the father of the godly royal family.

And even today so does most maharaj claim that the royal family are ascendants of the gods who once ruled the lands.

And because they got strong proof that their gods actually were historical figures, so do they have a hard time to accept that the other species pantheons could be real. Though they try to not be rude about them.

The maharajs lives in the country of the same name; Maharaj (no one knows if it's the country that's named after the specie, or if it's the species thats named after the country).

The country of Maharaj used to be a green paradise, but a demon fell and burned everything around it. Leaving only sand left. The maharaj knew that they couldn't stop the demon from falling and fled as the demon crashed on the ground.

(It's rumoured that there are some maharaj who praises the demon, seeing it as the maker of a new world)

They moved closer to their neighbouring country, Mahin, a country of a barbaric race that is said to feast on maharaj meat and blood.

So war happened between the two species until their newly crowned kalif, Abdul Mustafa decided to have a meeting with Ryuu Svea, the young empress of the shindoun. And after a long discussion, they decided on peace between their countries.

It is said that some have seen Abdul and Svea had met when they both were kids and formed a strange friendship with each others. Which may be why they agreed with each others so easily.

Though no marriage happened due to them being of different species.

Culturally so is the maharaj a respect giving country with houses and palaces made out of sandstone, the most impressive building though being the royal library. They have no respect for thieves and will show mercy on anyone who's stealing something. No matter how small it is.

As mentioned, so are they ruled by a kalif, who also holds full power over the country. Since their country has been smaller because of the flaming demon.

Of course, the kalif has given out the order for the magicians guild to find a way to vanquish the demon and restore Maharaj to its former glory.

And doing the opposite of the shindoun, so are the women usually the lowest ranked members in maharaj society, with a few exceptions. Usually people see it as an honour for females to be part of the kalifs harem, even though he doesn't seem interested in them and tather want them to do something else.

It happens that female maharaj does end up with male shindoun die to them both being seen as not important enough by their opposite gender (no signs of reproduction have been shown by them).

Authors notes:

-Made around the same time as the shindoun.

-Originally, they were named Jaramen. But because it was such a nonsensical word so did I scrap that name and instead gave them their new name, which was inspired by the word maharadja.

-Yup, their culture is arabian inspired. Why arabian? It's due to how a lot of inventions we have today came from them, and that the old arabians were rumoured to have actually made animatronic robots.

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