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[Commission] Death's Cold Glare by Cyanistic

[Commission] Death's Cold Glare


Full Size In All It's Glory:

A basilisk is a scary creature with the ability to kill you by simply staring you down. However, unlike how legends have described the creature, it's not able to kill at glance but rather shuts down your body the longer you look into it. Annnd I recreated it to fit my liking! So that's also a thing!

When you first look into it's eye's your sight will improve tenfold. This is to amplify it's death glare. As such, staring at it in the dark would make you capable of seeing in the darkness easily and completely until you look away.

Symptoms of gazing into it's eyes:
Nausea, Exhaustion, Headaches, Respiratory Arrest, Cardiac Arrest, feeling extremely cold, and many others not listed.

The encounter of how Captain Scarlet got a basilisk eye. Yep, that's right, she managed to beat that thing and take it's eye.
If you wanna hear that story follow the link:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! This looks amazing. Thank you so much Mr.Autopsy! It came out great and was well worth the price!

The gaze, atmosphere, environment... It's all well done! I might even consider making another commission at some later point in time!
If you haven't heard of Mr.Autopsy, CHECK THEM OUT! They draw some great stuff!

Submission Information

Visual / Other


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    its all very well that she killed it and stole its eye, but A: how did she lose her right eye, and B: how did she jam the basilisk's eye into her own socket and get it attached to her brain so that it would work?...I sound like a nerd and like a critic who doesn't like the picture. which isn't true. it's a very nice picture. ...I feel SO CONFUSED tho!

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      The story linked in the description should provide insight as to what happened, but a TL;DR version would be this:
      The creature TORE her eye out from it's socket and by sheer lock she and her friend managed to kill it.

      In her anger she took out the creature's eye while it was still alive but to overcome with pain to fight back, and had her alchemist put the eye in a liquid to prevent it from rotting once it was taken out. She had her doctor stick it into her socket as a replacement 'glass eye'.

      Thus she got a Basilisk eye. It doesn't work and she can't see through it, obviously because that's not how it'd work.

      I'm fine with questions though, I love answering and clarifying confusion people have about my character(s)

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        ...oh. ok now it makes perfect sense! I can't view the furaffinity link because APPARENTLY FA is blocked by this evil thing called OpenDNS, which blocks FA due to alleged adult content. ...Right. whatever thanks for the detailed answer!

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          I'll go about uploading her backstories here, eventually.