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Lady Momiji by Crossdog367

Lady Momiji


Old art from 2014


Naked reference of Momiji to show off her markings.

Momiji is originally from an affluent family in the leafy suburbs. They were respected members of the community, and part of some small grassroots political movement. To say her family had high expectations of her and her sister was a little of an understatement.

Momiji was always an excellent student, but never got involved with non-academic activities. She went straight to college after she graduated, and is currently getting a degree in management and accounting. Momiji is ambitious, and intends to own her own business one day.

After failing to get into her desired internship, Momiji decided it would be a good idea to get some work experience by working with her Uncle Ginko, who owns his own restaurant. Unfortunately, part of restaurant management means knowing every single job in the house. Unlike her sister Kijura, Momiji doesn't exactly have a good hand on waitressing.

As far as personality goes, Momiji is very prone to stress. Thankfully, she is also very used to handling it. While she has a good head on her shoulders, she can be clumsy. She's good at looking at a business model, or arranging funds in a way that's efficient to all of the existing systems, but in day-to-day life she often misses the forest for the trees. She overthinks everything, and can be pretty draining in social situations.

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