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Doodle-A problem by Creamecream

Doodle-A problem


Warnings: gore, vomiting, nightmares, panic attacks, heavily Finnceline worried parent sounds

Eliza stood on shaky legs, her head spinning.

“c’mon, Liz,”

Eliza heard her brother’s gentle drawl that was reserved for her and the rest of their family. “you need to sit, you need to eat.”


Eliza started, pausing when Jericho put a hand to her face, and Eliza cuddled into her twin brother’s palm, the comfort of her sibling’s touch soothing her heated skin. “I don’t feel good, Jericho.” Eliza muttered into her brother’s hand. Eliza attempted to blink the soreness out of her eyes and focus on her brother, only able to focus enough to see him pull something over and dig through it, not registering as he held something to her mouth, just accepting it and chewing.

Eliza’s eyes went wide when the sticky, metallic taste burst across her tongue, getting stuck in her teeth, and she only managed to keep whatever Jericho had given her down because her brother was looking at her. “Jericho, what was that?” the vampire princess asked, still only able to focus on her brother, at least until Jericho held up a lumpy mass of meat for his sister’s observation. the clump of discarded and stray organs and meat making up a misshapen wet lump of gore, and Eliza could feel her hands start to shake at the sight of it.

“Jericho!” Eliza squealed, beginning to retch while her brother picked at the gross sinewy mass, licking his red and sticky fingers after he had touched it. “what’s the matter?” Jericho said, blinking. “we’re demons, El. we’re vampires. this is what we do!” Jericho dropped the bloody thing into Eliza’s lap, causing his sister to vomit onto the floor beside her, her breathing coming in ragged gasps as her eyes filled with tears, her throat burning as she tried to cough up the gore she had swallowed that her brother had given her.

Jake threw the door open when he heard his niece screaming, rushing into her room and onto her bed.

“Liz! wake up!!”

Jake yelped, shaking his vampiric niece awake, her red eyes wild and her claws digging into her bedsheets. “Lizzy-!”

Eliza began to cough and retch, choking over the side of her bed, Jake rubbing her back while she did so, the stretchy dog quickly grabbing a loose towel from the girl’s bathroom and laying it on the floor before she could actually vomit.

Jake opened his arms and let Eliza curl into him, his arms curling around her as she shook and cried. “it’s okay, Liz. it was just a nightmare. I’m here. I got you.”

“She wouldn’t tell me what was wrong.”

Jake said, shrugging and taking a small sip of his coffee. “something is clearly going on, but she won’t talk to me, bro.”

“It’s alright, brother.”

Finn said, but worried the thumb joint of his robotic arm between his fingers, his body langue clearly showing unease and worry. “I also wouldn’t blame you if she asked you not to tell me, then you didn’t tell me. I’m not gonna force my kids to tell me anything they don’t want to, you know that. but I am gonna be worried when my daughter is waking up screaming, then throwing up on the floor.”

Marceline put her hand gently on top of Finn’s, giving him physical comfort and bringing his attention to how rough he was being with his prosthetic. the vampire queen then pressed a kiss to the top of her boyfriend’s head, into his mass of golden curls, still messed with sleep.

“thank you for taking care of her, Jake.”

Marceline said, wrapping her arms around Finn and laying her face against his head, her cheek sitting in his head. “I don’t want to think about what could have happened if you weren’t up...”

Oh god, I finally wrote it, it's down and done

I still really like my last gory thing with Eliza and Jericho, so I decided to write another, sure, it took long af, but am did it

Eliza having nightmares after Jericho took her hunting with him, and uncle Jake to the rescue, to take care of her to help
Finnceline do much worried parent sounds, they much worried

Jake-Adventure Time

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