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Doodle-On the sea by Creamecream

Doodle-On the sea


"There once was a ship that put to sea,
The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea,
The winds blew up, her bow dipped down,
Blow, my bully boys, blow,
Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar, and tea, and rum,
One day, when the tonguing is done,
We'll take our leave and go,"

I finished Portia's route actually a bit ago, so yeah, it was really passed time for post game Daphne
And just now realizing that means nearly all of my apprentices have post game looks now, and Mirsa is a special case, they came about way later than the rest of them and I have to replay a route for them, a route I was already more than most of the way done with

I keep planning to put daphnes in her hair, damnit! I just remembered!

Yes, that's a scarf of Portia's, it might not be exactly the one she wears in her hair but it is the same pattern

I don't know what really to say about her personality wise, Portia's route really just played into how Daphne already was, Portia didn't make her more confident, more adventurous, or anything, she was already like that...maybe made her more comfortable being more powerless? but I never really thought about that before, that on a boat ride Daphne doesn't really have access to her main choice of magic prowess, which is earth of course, not touching earth does kinda lessen her magic ability...

"Wellerman"-Nathan Evans (I think? if it's not the original I am sorry)
The Apprentice-The Arcana

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