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Doodle-Someone is gonna die by Creamecream

Doodle-Someone is gonna die


Lycanna perked their ears when they entered the dark locker room, the soft sound of sniffling reaching their ears.

Their vampiric eyes quickly spotted the swatch of bright orange fur in the dark, and they rushed to crouch down beside their best friend, throwing their arms around him without a second thought.


Eloise said through sniffles, his voice shaky.

Lycanna moved away so they could look Eloise in the face, their hands cradling the werecat’s face, their fingers gently brushing his tears away.

“What’s wrong, Elly?”

Lycanna asked, their voice laced with concern, worry clear in their eyes.

Eloise sniffled again and wiped his renewed bout of tears on the sleeve on his jacket, but that proved futile as his blue eyes just filled again almost immediately, his lip wobbling. “I know I’m overreacting,” Eloise said quietly. “what right do I have to get so upset about this? it’s none of my business how he feels...” Eloise muttered out the last bit, curling in on himself, his tail wrapping tighter around his legs.

“What happened?” Lycanna asked again, feeling like they knew already where this was going, and feeling a sharp rage bubble up in them, their fur standing on end and their fists clenching.

“Heath told Toralei that of course he’d cancel any plans with me for her, that of course he likes her better than me,” Eloise struggled to breath for a moment, his fluffy orange ears clamped against his head. “I thought he liked me, Lycanna.”

Lycanna could feel their rage boil over, their claws sharp against their thighs. “I’ll be right back.” Lycanna said, careful not to let a growl leak through into their voice, wrapping their jacket snuggly around their best friend before they moved out of the darkened room, their intense sense of smell coming in handy as they stomped off to find the fire elemental.

Oh geez, here we go
I don't know how it got this late already, I like to post in the morning, but it's already past four thirty, but I didn't post this yesterday because my mind was just not in a good place, there was no way I could write properly, or at all, and I just really wanted to write something with this so it had to wait

Someone about to get a tongue lashing

Toralei basically goaded Heath into saying those things because she's mad at Eloise for not spying on the fear leading squad for her (because he's gay, Toralei, you cannot charm him) she batted her eyelashes and flirted and flirted, and Heath was at first very, very confused, but Toralei goaded and goaded until Heath said things in her favor, and she either knew Eloise could hear, or she showed him a recording after, and it sent Eloise into an unhappy spiral and he went to hide
Eloise just texted Heath that he wasn't feeling good and went home so he wasn't going out with him today, and he hid in the fear leading locker room, and ended up crying, which is how Lycanna found him
And Lycanna is on the warpath now, they are about to tear into Heath when they find him
Heath personally is panicking, because Eloise just disappeared, just all of a sudden "I feel sick, I'm going home, I'm sorry but I can't make our plans today" and Heath asks if he wants him to take him home, tries to call him, but Eloise just texts "I asked dad to pick me up" and then his phone is off, Heath is freaking out


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