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Doodle-Welcome to Wonderland by Creamecream

Doodle-Welcome to Wonderland


"Did your granny say "Listen to your heart,"?
"Be who you are on the inside."?
We need three words to tear her argument apart,
Your granny lied,
We'd rather be shiny!
Like a treasure from a sunken pirate wreck,
Scrub the deck and make it look shiny!
We will sparkle like a wealthy woman's neck,
Just a sec, don't you know?
Mortals are dumb, dumb, dumb,
They chase anything that glitters!
And here they come, come, come, to the brightest thing that glitters!
Mmm, fish dinners,"

Should be doing something else, but ehh, here's an Edward and Lydia, just because I thought this would be a good song for them
I really should redesign them, especially that blue, I thought it would look nice because Edward's hair is green and Lydia's is purple, and those both have blue in them, but...ehhhh

Edward and Lydia-The Adventure Zone

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  • Link

    Ah these bitches…these bitches. Overall I had to give them credit for their plan. It was genius.
    Cool picture.

    • Link

      Not really genius, I would say, because they were kinda just terrible to be terrible, because they are terrible people, and the relics make people be terrible, but they did do arguably the most damage (Merle’s eye, Taako’s beauty, Magnus’ revenge, not even to mention Magnus’ body, Taako seeing Kravitz dragged underwater(? Taako says he’s been trapped in mud or tar, I don’t remember what it was tho) in the Astral plane and not being able to do anything, them all being helpless, etc. etc.) to the boys (not counting Lucretia, since they were her undoing as well, but just tres horny boys right now) but once the lich forms came out, Lup sure made quick work of Edward~
      Thank you! I really think I should probably change their designs tho, or even just their colors, or something

      • Link

        Now that you point it…also they did do the most damages in terms of crime against humanity and wrecking the astral plane. Tres Horny Boy have the highest accidental property damages.

        • Link

          What did they do to the Astral plane? I don't remember, just them being liches, which isn't anything more than Barry and Lup did.
          The boys have the most being around to damage happening percentage, but not really their fault, even if you argue that the relics are their fault, The Hunger is still swallowing planes