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"Without the beast, Man will die from loneliness of spirit " by Copper-LightSource

"Without the beast, Man will die from loneliness of spirit "


I can't buy CS6 for my tablet so
I had to get Sai since it's more affordable.

...My professor told me to try a different medium
..........going from Photoshop to Sai counts ok.

SO, the quote I had to display was;
"What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of the spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are connected." - Cheif Seattle

This is really dumb, I usually don't point out the symbolism I put in my stuff because It's never really able to be seen because I fail at Communication Design so bad ughghh
I may as well just slap this here because in class I panicked.
AND I MUST REDEEM MYSELF not really this is just making it worse

I chose a dog to represent the "beast" Since… well, dogs are generally the first animals to come to mind, as a faithful pet and companion which everyone loves.

Then I wanted to make them children because i already had a dog OC because having them as children makes it more striking.

"man" (the boy) holding a knife, facing no direction in particular, the world in general just his enemy, and "beast" with cuts on her,

Beast, being wiser and able to see the outcome, mourning what might happen, looks to the other side sadly.

the second side, Beast is gone, dead, turning into a free spirit and floating towards the sky, though there are no more wounds. Man is falling to the ground, dying, eyes glazed and saddened no longer with confidence, Looking back towards the beast whose spirit is leaving. He is desaturated, the colors somehow on his shirt came out a lot more "still". A life void of color, the vibrant beauty which we see every day, much inspired by nature and the animals.

His spirit surrounds him, tears coming from it.

For the sides, I used warm colors for the left, peaceful earth, comfortable. To the right, I used more desaturated, void shading and red colors. Traumatic events, somethings wrong.

And, the green wire there. obviously green for life, connecting the two; "Everything is connected". COnnecting the two by their throats, the most vulnerable part. If something happens to your neck, you're gone.

On the other side, I made the wire somewhat broken, I didn't want to make it brown for withered leaves. That would infer more of a natural death. Instead, I made it color like burnt wood.

Still though… that "loneliness" part I just couldn't
SO I put the colors of flandre's wings in the bg you can't see so ksajfg

Also the flower she's holding.
"Earth" Like, life.
Out of the top comes pollen, seeds for life. but the pollen turns into dust/ghost
"You've lost your chance, there is no more"


Paint Tool Sai, Cintiq Companion

Yeah, I know to the right, the boy's eye is off, the shading on the beast's sleeve inside is weird. I think the hair shapes are also weird too. I'll fix it later.

and the noses
someone please
how do I

Hands are


I made a new watermark =w=

And also a thanks to a friend I met at school, who gave me a mini lesson on color temperatures which is just klgjfdhgsa really really enlightening.

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Visual / Digital