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Underwater Adventure With Virmir (Sketch-A-Thon 2022) by CodyTheAquaticWerewolf

Underwater Adventure With Virmir (Sketch-A-Thon 2022)


Hey guys, finished inking & coloring an sketch Virmir drew for me on Sketch-A-Thon 2022, this time it's of me swimming in the seven seas & five oceans with Virmir (who is now an aquatic water mage fox for some reason).

Basically what happened was that Virmir was tinkering with gillyweed or some other aquatic transformation stuff, he swallowed it, grew gills & felt the need to breathe underwater. Then after that, he becomes an aquatic fox, complete with gills, fins, an shark tail & ears, webbing & flippers with no feet bones (his paw pads are still there albeit marked/tattooed on his flippers).

That's when Cody shows up & decides to teach him some swimming lessons in the mean time (Virmir is still not happy about having to stay underwater for an long period of time) while they both look for sunken treasure & ships for them to donate to several museums.

When I began to tweak & refine my request, I have some doubts about whether it will be drawed or not while I wait for Sketch-A-Thon to start last friday (which is Night of The Cathedrals in Mallorca btw).

It's not really like how I imagine it but oh well, i'm so glad & happy I got my first art of Cody that's not made by me (I look so gorgeous & mystical like an sea prince), thank you Lord Virmir. ^^

(Also after the sketch was drew, I keep seeing my request number 12 everywhere, strange isn't it?)

The Sketch was done By Virmir.

I did the coloring & inking.

Also Happy Halloween!