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Bro Fight Nokt by cloudstarwolf

Bro Fight Nokt


Story-snippet by JackalsGrin on DA :

“We…could have helped you with that,” Isabella offered, eyebrows pointing inward with concern.

The two bards had taken a palpable amount of time binding, bedecking and draping their two tytos in fine fabric. It was more than either of them had ever considered in spending on themselves, but Lon now had a fine, understated shawl of complimentary periwinkle and Draug had been spoiled beyond reason. Dressed in an ornate harness with dark green tassels, golden compliments and the whole bird was wound up in two dozen peridot ribbons that matched his bright green eyes. Draug also had a sheer drape of see-through emerald green, but given the nest of heatedly amorous snakes his tail was currently imitating it was hardly the center of attention.

“I don’t need your help,” Aster quipped back over his shoulder. The giant was attempting to remove a polished metallic beer stien from the black bird’s beak, but seeing his younger brother approach had only prompted Creep to hold the treasure tighter.

Isabella felt slightly bad. She and Felix had clearly done Aster no favors by encouraging him to have his stryx ‘dressed up’ for their nokt tribute. After galyx had devolved into a bloody squabble she had really hoped for this one to turn out better for all three of them, but as she looked upon Creep’s necklace of pots, pans, and other utensils she realized she may have encouraged creativity from the wrong man.

Creep, for his part, was thrilled. The speckled bird had never been so rich. With every move he clamored loudly, demanding attention, and the rising moonlight flickered off his ‘enviable’ collection of trinkets. If Draug hadn’t shown up – and if there were more maiming involved – tonight might have passed for Creep’s idea of perfect. Instead he was now forced to defend his horde just as vehemently as he had defended his slowly dying bear.

The two black birds let out low, trilling threats to one another as they locked eyes. Lon mumbled her distinct disapproval from the back, but knew better than to impose herself. Felix, following their last encounter, has also learned the importance of minding his own business. The Faun stood unsure and slightly to the side, gripping Lon’s ribbon reins.

“Boys…” Isabella warned as Creep began to prowl forward and click his long, black beak.

“Don’t worry,” Aster assured her. The big blonde put his hand on the top of Creep’s beak, forcing it down towards the ground. In the same moment he ripped the stein violently from the bird’s clicking beak. Creep puffed, but was looked immediately and dead in his available blue eye.

“He’ll be good…”

“Good,” Isabella piped, unsurely, “This…this will be fun!”

Draug clearly has other ideas in his head.....
Which will be elaborated upon..... soonish.... yes.

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