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WANTED: "Mother face" by chrisgoodwin

WANTED: "Mother face"


This is the character that gets all the body/machine imagery: Frankenstein, Giger's biomechanical stuff, cyberpunk, the Borg, Battle Angel Alita, Cenobites, Iron Man, Krang, etc.

There should also be a vaguely medical sense to the colors/materials. Blood plasma, latex tubing, white and teal colors. Stuff like that. Medical trauma.

The organic parts that are contained will be partly full of liquid - so depending on how she is tilted or in motion, the face, for example, might be more revealed or hidden.

This was the character my design partner A. came up with. She's one a few remaining members of a sickly, dying race. All stricken by a plague that only affects them. Her kind are meshed into various elaborate kinds of biomechanical life support technology. She's "Mother" because she is visibly pregnant (more like a mechanical incubator) and is actively collecting genetic samples and other organic material from the different captures to develop a cure for her race.

I don't think A. fully understands the science behind this stuff, but the idea leads to certain visual conclusions that are interesting to explore, and science fiction is half fiction, anyway ;)

We recently had a meeting and exchanged progress reports and such. He's going to be working on some of the characters I've already been chewing over and I'm now going to be taking up his ideas for a bit. This is a redesign, but still according to his original idea. We are going to try and push each other's ideas further, rather than just reproduce them.

The visual of seeing the organic stuff sloshing around through windows and hard plastic bubbles in the body is delightfully gross and something I wouldn't have come up with on my own. Such is collaboration :)

Submission Information

Visual / Other


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    A disturbingly wonderful idea for a character. I really like it!