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Killing Boredom [P] by chemgas650

It was a cloudy, rainy day in Dakota’s hometown, and the fox was feeling exceptionally bored as she sat in her spacious living room. Dakota was a fox with white fur on her back, sides, most of her arms, her head, and up to the end of her tail. The end of her tail was orange, and had a mouth with a gray tongue. She had named her tailmaw Tric, and the two, being attached to one another, had a very strong bond. Dakota had two orange stripes on her biceps, and she had a shock of orange hair between two purple ears. Her chest was purple, as was her stomach and the lower halves of her legs.
Tric turned to face Dakota, and Dakota looked back at the tailmaw with a sigh. “I wish I had an idea, Tric…”
Tric made a slight frown before lying back down on the couch like he had done before. Dakota’s mind wandered, trying to figure out something to do in order to beat the boredom of the day.
Eventually, an idea came to the fox as she was reminded of one of Tric's favorite pastimes: inflation. She always kept an air tank in her closet, and now seemed like the perfect excuse to get it out for Tric, not that Dakota didn’t enjoy the experience either.
Getting up from her seat on the couch, Dakota approached her bedroom with a smile. Tric was confused by the sudden movement, but as the closet came into view the tailmaw smiled a telltale smile. Dakota opened the closet door and Tric immediately lunged for the tank, making Dakota stumble slightly as her tail moved so suddenly.
Within moments, a hissing was coming from the tank, Tric having long ago learned how to operate the thing himself. Dakota giggled as she felt cold air rush into her stomach, making her feel full before it started expanding and rounding out. While she could still bend over, Dakota picked up the tank with Tric's mouth still covering it, carrying it back to the spacious living room and sitting down next to it as her stomach continued bloating outward.
It seemed that Tric had turned the tank to a rather high setting, as the fox's belly was already the size of a basketball. Dakota sighed with pleasure as she felt the air being held inside her stomach; the way it pushed in every direction, trying to escape, but to no avail as her hide stayed strongly intact. It brought a sense of strength to Dakota, along with a feeling of satisfaction in knowing that she could hold so much of something purely inside her own gut.
Tric stopped the tank when Dakota's stomach was the size of a beach ball, the tailmaw snaking around Dakota’s huge middle until it made a full circle around Dakota. Then, like it had done many times before, Tric suddenly constricted Dakota's belly, hugging it tightly and causing it to bulge both upwards and downwards simultaneously, the air trying to find anywhere it could go inside of Dakota’s body. Dakota's chest ballooned outward, becoming one with her stomach as air was forced in that direction.
Dakota’s skin tingled as it stretched outwards, which felt pleasing to the fox as she sat there. Tric stopped hugging Dakota’s overinflated gut and turned the tank back to its previous setting, which caused the fox’s stomach to start ballooning outwards once again. Her arms and legs started filling with air along with the rest of her body, causing them to become fatter and fatter as the air forced its way into any space it could find.
As some more time passed, Dakota was forced to lie on her back, which was starting to round out along with her sides. She felt herself being pushed upwards as her backside bulged, the fox essentially becoming a huge balloon at this point.
Tric finally turned the tank off once again as Dakota’s hide began to creak and groan, the tailmaw curiously poking at it to test its tightness. After a couple seconds, Dakota could hear that familiar hiss and Tric turned the tank on a third time. The tingling in her skin continued to intensify as she reached the size of a truck, and the fox was beginning to have to put up a slight fight to think about anything other than her internal pressure.
Dakota’s inflating stomach reached the ceiling of her living room and began to press against it, and by this point Dakota’s cheeks had puffed out to the point of sealing her snout shut. Her head, hands, and feet were being sucked down into her almost spherical middle, and the creaks coming from her skin were growing in length and volume.
Just as Dakota’s body reached its upper limits, Tric turned off the tank and marveled at Dakota’s size. The tailmaw could feel the same sensations Dakota was feeling, but there was no daze on its end. As for how Dakota would manage to deflate, that would be a totally different matter, but for now, Tric was happy enough to have broken this spell of boredom…

Killing Boredom [P]


Dakota and Tric are feeling extremely bored... There has to be SOMETHING they can to to pass the time...

Dakota/Tric owned by: Me!

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