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Never Parted (by Lisaeis_Mew) by Charlie_kit

Never Parted (by Lisaeis_Mew)


This is a commission by Lisaeis of my tiger twins Caleb and Cecilia, dozing off together.

Caleb and Cecilia were both fussy as Quatre was tending to the playful twins. It was close to their naptime and they weren't in much of a mood for change. However in Quatre's mind set, those two putting up a fuss was better than their big sis Marina making him look for her for a half-hour. After some teething rings were dangled in front of them by the saluki butler, the two calmed down a bit.

"Cici," Caleb yawned and fussed as Quatre was powdering him down, "Is Quatie gonna wet us awone?"

"Soon Callie," Cecilia also yawned, "It naptime."

"It sure is young kittens," Quatre answered with a soothing voice as he snuggly diapered the pair in matching diapers, "And I have two snuggly diapered kiddos ready for naptime." He carefully picked up the kiddos and carried them over to their bed, carefully balancing them in his paws as the two wiggled down to just their diapers to the chagrin of the saluki. Quatre then carefully laid the two in their bed and raise the rails. making sure they were safe.

"Sleep well young kiddos," Quatre smiled and barked as he closed the door behind him.

"Nini Quatie," the kittens answered very tiredly. The two were to sleep to really talk; after all I was a very busy morning for the two. However, it didn't stop them from cuddling and clinging to each other. When Katherine tried to give her twins separate rooms, they both fussed and managed to sneak off to the other's room to nap or sleep. No one in the house could figure it out and no matter how they rearranged the rooms, the two found their way back to each other. The two loved to cross their arms together and intertwine innocently as they dozed off. Katherine decided not to interfere any further in the matter as the two really felt the safest together. It was a cute innocent bond that she hoped would stay with them. A strong brother-sister bond could allow them to support each other very well. For right now though, Calem and Cecilia just hoped they were in each other's dreams.

A big thanks for a cute commission.

Caleb and Cecilia (c) Charlie_kit
artwork (c) Lisaeis_Mew

Submission Information

Visual / Other