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Shadox Raziel Is Not Ready For Gen 7 - by mklkmkwk & Me by Charem

Shadox Raziel Is Not Ready For Gen 7 - by mklkmkwk & Me


(Maka would appreciate comments towards his character here, Raz, to be respectful and not too lustful. Thanks guys!)

When you're already a mix of two things so disparate as a bunny and an anaconda, you may as well go for broke and mix another species into the biological pot! That's what Raziel decided one day, a bunnyconda who came to me looking for a bit of canine inspiration. I was happy to share a part of my energies with him, giving him a number of glowy attributes and fluffier fur...

We Shadoxes are already a hybrid of dog, fox and ghost, so Raz's DNA is jumbled something fierce at this point! Doesn't seem he minds too much, though; he even found himself a nice Pokeball to claim as his own. Shadoxes are Pokemon, after all; he likely feels a bit of synergy to the sphere as such~

This was a fun collab!   mklkmkwk, aka Maka, was the line-artist here...and I colored. Maka's been a pretty nice guy for all the time I've known him, and I guess we rubbed off on each other in some when he made his bunnyconda character Raziel, he actually stole my Shadox's color scheme for Raz! It was unintentional; Maka had done a commission for me, saved my colors on SAI's color palette saver, and then grabbed them later on when he made Raz, 'cause he liked the shades. Raz didn't end up with an identical scheme to me, though; his belly-colors and hair-colors were inverted to what I use.

This was a pretty funny accidental similarity though, so we considered the idea of Raz actually becoming a Shadox - since he already stole my colors, he may as well steal into my species! :3 So this collab - as well as an alternate I'll post in a second - was born from that. I think Raz looks pretty nice! I'm particularly fond of the decision of onyx stones encircling his tail; every Shadox has a unique personal item to hold their prayer tag to their body, you see.

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Visual / Digital