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Flame's Flank Feels Friendly Flickertongue! by Charem

Flame's Flank Feels Friendly Flickertongue!


Just because somebody might not be into anything kinky, it doesn't mean you can't go over and give them with a nice caring butt-lick. :3~ Flame here is wonderful all over, inside AND out though, so I'd happily nuzzle him anywhere. <3 He's so fluffy too!

This was something I drew last night, after a long and deep conversation with one of my best friends,   imperfectflame. The conversation topic is private, but I will say that he helped me with some things and just proved once again how great of a friend he was. <:3 So, even though I was BEYOND dead tired (I hadn't slept for over 30 hours in fact), my muse kicked in and...well, I didn't want to pass up an opportunity to do something for a wonderful person. :3

Even dead-tired, this only took me two hours of work in total...which might seem like a long time, and it's not that giant or complicated of a project, but I hate doing lines normally, so this is actually pretty fast. It came out pretty well, too; especially with Flame's pose. I might be getting better as an artist. ^^

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