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Charem's Birthday Surprise - by Zoralth8745 by Charem

Charem's Birthday Surprise
By, Zoralth8745

Today is Charem's birthday. He received an invitation to a party in his honor so he heads
over there but he would be two hours early... so he decides to check out some cakes at the bakery.
His collar jingles as he walks, making a pleasant noise. When he gets there, he smells the
delectable pastry... Chocolate Cake, Vanilla Cake, Strawberry Cake, and Lemon Cake. All the
wonderful smells make his mouth water. Charem decides to check to see how much money he has
so he opens his wallet: Inside is 300 Coins so he decides to get a snack before the party and heads
in. Before he realizes what has happened, he has started eating the seven layer chocolate cake. The
baker knows him and knows it is futile to try to stop him.

One hour later, Charem has gorged himself on a Seven Layer Chocolate Cake, a 4 Layer
Wedding Cake, and a 2 Layer Lemon Cake. He gives the baker the 300 coins and walks out with a
happy belly and slightly fatter then usual. He murrs at the fullness of his belly but something is
missing. He realizes he is out of money so he heads for the party early.

It takes him a Half-Hour to get to the party location so he decides to just walk right in. Only
one person is waiting for him there and he doesn't even know who he is, but he seems to know
Charem. The mystery figure steps into the light and it appears to be an Anthro Mightyena... A
fellow Pokemon! As he steps into the light, he reveals a Twenty Layer Chocolate and Vanilla Cake.
“Made for you Charem... Happy Birthday!” He says as he holds out a birthday present for Charem
with a festive party hat on top. The hat is decorated with streamers of Black and Red with the word
“Charem” on it. Charem smiles and puts it on, then proceeds to open the present. Inside is a card
with 500 coins, and a knife and fork. “The cake is all yours. I got myself a miniature cake for
myself.” The Mightyena nods. “By the way... My name is Lazarus.”

The party with just the two of them goes on for several hours of eating, with Lazarus joining
in the cake. Once they finish, Charem is very nice and plump and Lazarus is plumped as well.
Charem smiles and starts to snuggle with the chubby Mightyena. Lazarus wants to have some fun
but is shy to ask since he has never done it before, but Charem seems to have read his mind and
manages to stand before grabbing the chubbier but still much skinnier then him Mightyena and
starts to shove him into his throat. Lazarus starts to squirm and actually starts to murr as he goes
down into Charem's gullet. Another few pushes and more squirming later, Lazarus is inside
Charem and relaxes into the air pocket Charem seems to have created for him, murring quite
loudly. Charem will let him out in a few hours but for now, he just lies there, enjoying the
Mightyena in his gut.

Charem's Birthday Surprise - by Zoralth8745


A story written by :iconzoralth8745: for my birthday. Thanks again~

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Literary / Story