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Don't Spoil a Pet: Part 6 - by imperfectflame by Charem

Don't Spoil a Pet: Part 6 - by imperfectflame


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Night tried to pull away as the Charmeleon's maw swallowed up his left arm effortlessly, but only proceeded to get his other hand caught in the grip of the lizard's tongue as well! Not long before, the Typhlosion was much stronger and larger than Charem, but now...he was outclassed. All the food had not only made the firelizard a fat-ass, but it had also made him...bigger than Night!

The Typhlosion could only whimper as he was pulled closer to Charem's wide, flabby jaws, and felt himself sink head-first into that insatiable gullet, which drooled and drooled all the while. The Charmeleon seemed to have no trouble reaching his thickened paws down to Night's legs, lifting up his substitute-master-turned-snack near-effortlessly. Quickly and impatiently did the lizard shove Night deeper past his chops. The Typhlosion was certainly a large meal, but the challenge only seemed to make Charem hungrier!

Now, Night knew there was no hope for him to escape the Charmeleon's never-ending appetite... He flailed his feet uselessly about all the same, but they barely connected with anything but air; for a moment he had hope of leverage, as his toes gripped a couch-cushion, but it was quickly shifted uselessly to the ground. The reptile's fleshy throat accepted him almost lazily as he descended, the Typhlosion hearing the whines of his pets grow louder and clearer as he sunk into Charem's blubbery depths...

This is a 7-part series drawn by   imperfectflame, starring   ottahdragun's Night the Typhlosion and me. :3 (As well as a guest appearance by my Master   Guan.)

This series was inspired by   meanybeany's interesting style of vore/fattening art, where the feeding creatures gain not only fat and girth, but also overall size - eventually becoming a macro and beyond. I always wanted to try that sort of growth with myself, and so this series is the result of that. <3

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