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The Cost of a Drink of Water: Part 5 - by TheotheFox by Charem

The Cost of a Drink of Water: Part 5 - by TheotheFox


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(Part 5 of 5.)

(Story written by   jokanai-henka!)

Theo rubs the bulge in his throat as he works his meal down, delighting in the squirms and struggling within him, smiling wide and licking his lips, he forces Charem down his throat with one loud gulp, closing his eyes and waiting for his prey to settle in his gut.

Charem tries to struggle in the warm, moist belly, pushing against this slick walls and trying to stretch out, whining loudly as he tires himself out and resigns himself to sitting in his tight, damp prison, glaring by the light of his tailflame, he heaves a sigh and thinks to himself.

“Oh well, may as well make the best of it.” He curls up and snoozes in the warm confines, occasionally kicking at the walls as he dreams.

Theo on the other hand, reclines as he floats around the pond, grinning wide and patting his still gurgling belly, proud of his catch.

“Best meal I’ve had in ages!” He says with a chuckle, licking his maw again as he drifts away from the bank.

This was a commission I asked of   theothefox a couple months back, featuring his Floatzel form...being hungry. :B The whole scene was certainly inspired by how crocodiles surprise their prey...and I imagine Buizels and Floatzels could pull this off as well!

Thanks muchly to   jokanai-henka for writing a little tale for this; I wasn't feel well enough to write it myself this time. ^^;

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Visual / Digital