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Get them ugly mugs outta my face by cattun

Get them ugly mugs outta my face


I wanted to show a few people my RP characters' faces, so I painted a bunch of portraits.

Top row:

  • Kamil Brzuszkiewicz. He's a fed with the Department of Twilight Issues and very protective of his subordinates. On the one hand, he's cultured and polite, on the other he is kind of a supernatural fascist and wishes all those creepy dragons and fae would just disappear. What will happen once he is bitten by a werewolf? Oooh, who knows.
  • Ambit Glitches. She's a vampire but instead of blood, she feeds on information. What used to be the crux that kept her down turned out to be her greatest asset in this day and age - her new food situation has given her a mild megalomanic streak. A few years ago she discovered her affinity for technology and learned how to commune with computers.

Bottom row:

  • Silence Ito. Zie's a queer half-dragon, feeling always in-between and often alone with hir experiences. Zie finds something to appreciate in pretty much everyone, approaching people indiscriminately with respect, friendliness and a certain flirty edge. Sadly, zie has trouble critically evaluating the people zie hangs out with, so now zie's in deep shit with a local anti-human gang.
  • Timo Hardenberg. He used to have a start-up, except he was better at securing new funds than actually leading it. Now he teaches a bunch of courses on hacking and technology at a crime school. He's really young and irresponsible for a teacher, taking on new protégés and seducing students (and staff) like nobody's business, but his approachable and energetic nature still makes him pretty popular.

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    "Ugly mugs" my butt! These are all super attractive people and that ruins my life! ;A; (In the best ways possible tho)

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      Having attractive characters is a nice change of pace, even though I kinda didn't mean to make them so pretty..
      (Except Kamil. He's handsome as shite and likes it that way hhhh)