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Kitty: Prolouge by Catnipkitty99 (critique requested)


"And done" Kitty yelled in accomplishment, slashing a final blow at the wyvern as it dropped to the ground. Bluefire and Phoenix clapped from the sidelines. "Nice job, you killed it in under 2 minutes this time" Bluefire commented which was weird because she usually never commented and only complained.
           Kitty was 18 and had long black hair that she always kept up in two cat tail braids. She had piercing green cat eyes, and always wore black and white clothing. Kitty specialized in Black and White Magic to make a result of Neutral Magic. She was very into a balance of sorts, half darkness, half light. She lived by this rule and it was her true aspect of life. Kitty saw herself as a leader, enthusiastic, and shy at the same time. Kitty was considered to be a bit of a retard and most of the time she acted before she thought which led her into quite a bit of trouble at times. Kitty was probably the weakest of the group except for when she used her full power which she didn't use often because it took so much energy and she could only use it for a few minutes, but it usually took awhile for her to recover.
           Bluefire on the other hand was a bit more stubborn, lazy, and was only 16. She had long flowing silver hair that shone brighter than the moon, hers eyes glowing blue like an ember emitting flames. Blue had cat ears and a tail because she was half demon, Blue also had whisker like marks on her face that were Blue. She got cold easily so she liked to carry a blue scarf  around with her at all times. Bluefire went by Blue just to keep her name shorter and easier to say. Blue was an Ice mage and a necromancer. She was famous for freezing her enemies and summoning the dead to naw on their flesh. Blue used a Katana, an extremely strong sword with a slight curve at the end.  Her demon form was a giant cat that was silver with a blue chest and had Blue's eyes.
Phoenix was the oldest of the group, he was 19 about to turn 20. He had red hair 
that was a medium length and a red goatee. Phoenix had red eyes that burned like fire and that showed many signs of how fierce he was. He used fire magic with a hidden bit of wind. Phoenix was probably the strongest of the three, except for when Kitty was in full force mode, which no one could withstand. Phoenix was for the most part quiet, unless you got him talking, and he had a slight drinking problem. He had a spear named Yukimura and always had it straped across his back.
          "Is that so" Kitty questioned putting her dual swords away. Her sword Yami (Darkness) went in the left hilt and the sword Hikari (Light) in the right hilt. She only did this to keep pointless traditions. The left hand was supposedly the cursed hand and the right was the blessed. Kitty had ironically been born left handed and no matter how hard other people tried to get her to use her right hand she couldn't, so she eventually gave up on using it. This problem had troubled her throughout life and as a result she didn't fit in.
         The year was 1589 on Jinsei, a planet close to Earth's inhabitance yet much different because its a place were magic exists and so do creatures of sorts we couldn't even imagine on Earth. Jinsei  is in a alternate dimension from earth. Jinsei was the planet Kitty, Bluefire and Phoenix lived on.
         Kitty had hoped to enter the arena battles this year with her best friends Bluefire and Phoenix because this year they were all old enough to enter, so she had done intensive training lately. The arena battles were a series of battles against monsters were no weapons or magic was banned and the teams who won all the battles had to fight the other teams to see who would come out on top. The teams could have up to four people, but could have as few as two. Kitty's goal was to aim for the top it didn't matter if she succeed or not, it was encouragement. The arena battles is a championship tournament held in the Eastern Azuma region, one of the four regions on Jinsei. Kitty had just turned 18 and she had barley qualified for the tournament. Bluefire at the measly age of 16 had been let in because she was half human half demon. Their team name? Triple Baka, meaning triple stupid, cause to be honest they were a bunch of clumsy baboons that were expert fighters and bounty hunters. They only had three people on their team because they were close friends and they didn't feel like they needed to go out and find another person just so they could have a full team.
        Some time later that day in the late evening they all sat around a table in the tavern, which was lit by many magnificent candles, amplified by glass covers that caused the illusion. Phoenix was started to get a bit drunk for he was on his 4th litter of ale,(the drinking age in Jinsei was only 16) and while he had been drinking this whole time Kitty had been deciding what to eat. Finally she had decided on a roast meat dish with a small amount of ale as a drink. Bluefire on the hand was staring at her fingernails picking the dirt out while looking quite bored because she had finished her food way before them and now had nothing to do and from what it looked like it seemed as though see was a bit drunk.
        "Can you two be any slower" she yelled sounding quite annoyed as she slammed her fists onto the table. Suddenly the dinning hall went silent.
        "I think people are staring" Kitty whispered back
        "Gee way to state the obvious captain obvious" Bluefire raised her voice a little
        "Really why are you getting so angry and impatient because I'm so indecisive and Phoenix is drinking is his happy little life away there in the corner" Kitty complained back to Bluefire
         "You know I'm not really sure" Bluefire said as she sat down irritated
          By this time Phoenix had passed out from drinking to much and was quite unconscious and it would probably be an hour before he woke up. The girls had been bickering for quite awhile before they noticed he had passed out. "I wonder if he's okay" Kitty said while poking him in the forehead
          "Hmmp" Bluefire complained "Why should I care" she added with a hint of attitude in her voice. This wasn't like her she usually cared for Phoenix and Kitty had her suspicions that she was secretively in love with him and Kitty was pretty sure he felt the same way about Bluefire." Come to think of it Blue has been acting weird all day" Kitty thought to herself.
          "Well I'm done for the day" Kitty said trying to drag an unconscious Phoenix out of the tavern and failing. Then trying again and failing once more
          "Little bit of help here?" Kitty asked and receiving no reply from Bluefire
"Aw screw this" Kitty complained as she dropped Phoenix and stomped out the door leaving the job for Bluefire to handle. It was starting to get late and all the streets were dim at this late hour. She continued out the tavern anyways and stomped straight home not caring what monsters might be lurking. A home if you could call it that, for it was a relatively small shack that was nearly falling apart. Kitty had been alone her whole life, until she had met Bluefire and Phoenix. She had always run and had never stopped and had never really had friends. They meant the world to her even if they did have arguments every once in awhile. Though Kitty had been alone her while life she had become independent and didn't  relay on others. Kitty had at one point in her life been an orphan and had learned to fend for herself.
          "Another crazy night" she sighed "Hopefully i can earn the money soon to move out of this dump" She said as she imaging what it would be like to live in those fancy apartments in town. 
          "Well I better rest up for training tomorrow, because training from now on is going to be intense with the tournament coming up so soon" She yawned. As she closed her eyes she wondered if Bluefire and Phoenix had gotten home safely.
          "Probably" she muttered then fell asleep.

I hope everone likes this....its a book that I am kn the process of writing


Kitty: Prolouge (critique requested)


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Literary / Story