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大名のお嬢さん ✿ The Clan Chief's Daughter by CaineTheLongshot

大名のお嬢さん ✿ The Clan Chief's Daughter


"Chiharu sighed, remembering when she had created her first suit of armor with her father. She had made it just like his armor, with only a few minor changes. She remembered how he had laughed, shaking his head and hugging her gently when he saw what she was doing; commenting that he had done the same with his father. He was so proud of her, so hopeful and so warm."

Chiharu Kuromori, daughter of Katsujinken Kurormori posing proudly in her new wooden armor fashioned in the image of her father's armor and standing an intimidating 1.4 metres tall.

Even with the sword, she's just so cuddly~!!

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    You draw the most adorable tanuki/raccoon/procyonidae-based characters! 80
    I'm overdosing on the rings and masks lately, but its such a good kind of overdosing <3
    She turned out amazingly radical. Her eyes? Sheer beauty incarnate. She's GORGEOUSLY cute. ;3
    Oh man, this shep-coon is sure glad he found you among the haze of furry-cyber-dom! 8D

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      XD Funny I didn't notice just how many ringtaily characters I've been drawing lately! Funny too that this picture was drawn a few years ago, and a few of the other ones were drawn at other times too, but I just now got around to coloring them.

      XD Ih you'd have her blushing so much~! This little Tanuki isn't as little anymore, though.

      I'm glad you found me too!! X3