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Thearen in Flight by Caelan

Thearen in Flight


From last year's Artslam. Copy pasted from my original description;

"Working my way through the dragon characters whom I currently have some design idea for! I felt like my poses thus far for such had been kind of boring, so I tried to do something a little more interesting today. I still want to try out some variations on everyone’s designs, but Thearen has at least been drawn a lot more over the years, so he feels a little more solid. Always tweaking those greens, though- greens are just so tricky to balance out well in palettes.

Thearen had to fledge on his own (not much opportunity for such while living under Jek, certainly), but he was very dogged about it, and so he had at least the basics down in a few days. Ever since, though, he’s absolutely cherished flying. It’s something he accomplished on his own, and feels as though he owns, and probably the most enjoyable aspect of his life. He feels disconnected and kind of antsy when he goes without a chance to do so for too long, and is fascinated with the way that the cloud level makes a second, entirely new landscape suspended above the landscape of the earth. It allows him to connect with his nature more, which is much needed, given that he has difficulty feeling socially proficient or as though he has a place amongst other dragons."

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