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Marlena, Queen of Gryphia by B Pavlica (critique requested)

Marlena, Queen of Gryphia (critique requested)

B Pavlica

In honour of their goddess and first queen, Gryphia, the people of the kingdom of Gryphia celebrate their queen as the highest authority.
Alongside the Gryphian crown, the War Sword of Queen Gryphia is another part of the royal insignia.

In legend, Gryphia fought alongside her subjects in the first war for the kingdom, using a simple peasant sword, which has then been handed down from generation to generation of the royal families.

In the time the story of Run takes place, Marlena is the ruling queen.

Marlena’s family established the wizard elite several generations ago, and has therefore had a particularly successful and mostly peaceful rule with only few wars.
They frequently host official get-togethers with the highest ranked officers of the wizard elite, to reinforce their partnership, as having wizards rebel against the crown would be certain doom for the kingdom, so they want to keep their relationship with the elite on the best possible terms.
Even though wizards hold no higher position than highly decorated soldiers, they are treated as much more than that by the royal family and the common folk.

Time taken: 6 hours

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Visual / Digital