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Experiments by Bomba

The fox stared endlessly at the tiny people he had in his terrarium. Everything he tried to do just wouldn't work. He tried giving them treats, he tried giving them incentives, and he even isolated a group and initiated punishments. Nothing was changing; nothing would make these mindless creatures act like people. How could he get through to them? It had been three months and they were still nothing but tribal savages.  
“Jarred, are you still trying to do that?” Leav, his deer lover, asked behind him. 
“I… i just don't know what to do with them? Nothing I do… is making any difference.”  
“Hon, there is a difference. There is a reason why they are like that: they aren't actual people.” The deer came up and grabbed his hand. “Look, there's a big difference between the people that want to change and the people that make the changes. You're tenacious. Now come get some dinner. I made salad again.” The deer lifted the fox up. 
“Better have plenty of bacon…” The fox smiled as he was lifted up effortlessly by his deer lover.  
“For you,” the deer said as he took a ring off the fox's finger, “there is always plenty of bacon.”  
The fox giggled a bit as he shrank in the deer's arms. The deer put the ring on the table next to the terrarium and left to the kitchen. All of the feral people in the terrarium ran to where the ring was on the other side of the glass walls of their prison. With teamwork they all started to climb up each other; forming a human ladder until they were so close to the top… so close, yet so far away. There was no way they were going to escape today. 
“Maybe a new group will help ya? I’ll buy some more tomorrow.” The deer could be heard from the glass prison as they stared longingly at the magic device on the table that would turn them big like that mystical fox. “Maybe they will surprise us.”



just exploring some plot, and giving plot and backstory to the micro situation in Middleburg. which is the main setting for most of my micro stories.

anyway. super short story! i hope you like it.

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Literary / Other