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Beach Moment by BlueBeary

Beach Moment


I actually finished this since Monday Night, Sept. 9,2013. I edited This on my Photoshop Touch and added some Effects

Such as Sunlight and TV Effects

I apologize if I just posted this 3 days after I am down with it since

Tuesday: Done some Cardio-related Exercise by walking for 5 hours [2 hours from my home town, 3 hours on a mall 1.7km away while playing Ingress, Linking Portals from here and there, Hacking Portals to get Items and Portal Keys also destroying Opponent's Faction Portals. When getting out of the mall, it's raining hard so I have to run to the PUV [Public Utility Vehicles]. I'm soak and wet and It's a 2 hours traffic.

Wednesday: I feel sick since morning, Muscle Pains and Fever. since there is no one I can rely on, I bought the medicine by myself.

Yeah so I'm a bit fucked up but I'm fine now.

I just got to check up my System Unit and I found out my Motherboard is malfunctioning so I need to buy a new mother board.

So I need to earn a Total of 100-120 bucks again.

I have already the money to buy 4gb (2x2) Memory Card and LCD Monitor but I didn't expect this.

I decided to Extend the Promo til Sept. 30 just to get my PC working again.


Sean by SeanBT[FA]

Aen by Me

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Visual / Digital