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Stray stars: Yash Ref by Blitzblotch

Stray stars: Yash Ref


Name: Yash
Gender: Male
Guild:   Tradesmith Job: Head of entertainment division
Class- Venom- Dreaded Bloodhood
Yash is a very flashy and outgoing dragon.  He will proudly look in a mirror in front of others and tell himself he's beautiful. He is aware of the power he holds, both physically and politically, with most of his responsibilities having to do with the arts and fashion

He does his best to embody the good of these aspects even behind the curtain, as any type of whispering can damage his reputation and image. He guards his place in society with poison in his smile, but that comes with the territory of being a very dangerous species

He considers himself an artist, and prefers the stage to his higher rolls, but someone has to make sure the next generation of great actors is cultivated properly.  Despite not having many friends, he has many of connections.

Meet the Dreaded BloodHood, an old species of King dragons known for devouring other dragons . This in turn earned many King Dragon subclasses their infamous roster of names. The Dreaded BloodHood, also known to as the spitting BloodHood is a much smaller species of King Dragon in more recent years due to their diet not consisting of cannibalism and the King dragons trying to break away from their ancestors.

Don't let their smaller sizes fool you however; Capable of spitting a dangerous toxin that is said to petrify organic tissue while a bite could even render full organs useless, these dragons are feared greatly and in turn have many 'nightmarish' tales spun of them. In actuality, these dragons don't exactly petrify but what their venom does in truth is cause an extensive amount of calcification to their prey.

The Dreaded BloodHood can put many creatures on their toes and cause them to flee if they spot them. Prey that is caught are subject to ferocious bites that shut down the victims body within hours and this time can be sped up if the creature runs as well, resulting in the Dreaded BloodHood's being excellent trackers. Also not afraid of a fight, these dragons have powerful muscles and sharp claws that provide an excellent advisory as they rip at their opponent while their toxins do the trick.

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