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Someone Out There Who'd Uber You Copy by Blackmoonrose13

Someone Out There Who'd Uber You Copy


Lines provided by do-you-want-a-second-opinion.t…
Speed Paint
Song used

Now this is from the artist lines and I had to share it's to funny

i was on a 2fort server earlier with this noob heavy who kept insisting I only uber him and then waste the uber on one enemy so i decided to uber a demo this time and the heavy went on mic being a piss baby about it as the demo began singing ‘let it go’ over the mic too. a scout said really low next ‘oh herr heavy, if only there was someone out there who’d uber you’ and the demo and i laughed so hard that the demo had to leave the server so he didnt pee himself.

plus my medic oc’s name is hans so no brainer

Now to me

Yea I will admit I feel for Frozen this is technically my 4th frozen related piece....I some times regret it. I just okay I will be honest Frozen is not that great as I thought to many plot holes, and it's fucking everywhere and no love for Big Hero 6 and that movie is awesome....Disney you need to stop milking the frozen teat.

Okay (breaths) I am calm.

I just thought this image was a really good one and I had to try and color it, If you are wondering why the shading looks so good in this one it's because well the lines were already semi shaded to begin with so I used it as a guide.

So um originally I was gonna do it as the same class but then mid coloring this I went. "Do it like Medic is blu and heavy is red add drama woman DRAMA" I thought it was a cool idea so I did it as such. Heavy is RED if you can't tell, Yea there is no real way to distinguish it hence me telling you and the red pillow.

I also did an interesting effect to make the room seem kind tinted from the flame, Work with me here.

I hope you like it, share it with friends tell people you know do all of that.

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