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Kaelem AKA the guy I never stop redesigning by Bitcoon

Kaelem AKA the guy I never stop redesigning


Ah, my favorite one-armed squirrel, he's back for another fluffin 'redesign... I think this time I'm pretty happy with what I got. No big ref sheet this time! Just some Kae.

I don't know why I always stuck with the wavy red hair before, but I think this is much more fitting for him. Kae's always been tricky to design clothes for, since he comes from colder climes and has power over fire magic, he wears minimal layers, airy clothing and tends to stay away from pants/shorts. ALSO THE ARM THING HRRRNGG~

Yeah, so he's a fighter. Total kickboxer type, and kicks some serious ass at it, too. It's hard to take the unarmed, one-armed squirrel seriously in a fight, but he's strong and that fire magic packs a punch.

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Whoa gosh he's way too adorable

  • Link

    I like that design. And the idea of a one armed fighter character's just too cool, sounds like the kind of thing one would come up with for a tabletop RPG campaign

    • Link

      Thanks ^^

      He's really changed a lot since I first created him but it's all been for the better. I really love how I've fleshed him out and I think he'd be awesome in a game. ^^

  • Link

    He looks SOOOOOOO adorable. I'm gonna' draw in your style later to see how my character appears. I can be a Kirby. It's a term I use for someone who copies other people (in this situation art styles). But quick question, what happened to his right arm? Injury? Defect?

    • Link

      It was an injury when he was young. Basically, his fire magic was unstable and it burned his arm from the inside out. Brutal stuff!

      • Link

        If he's mastered in fire does that mean he can breathe it like Dhalsim

        (Street Fighter II; the guy with the stretchy limbs and ability to breathe fire)? I'm planning on drawing Kaelem using his fire in some way so that's why I'm asking.

        • Link

          Sure ^^ He could do that x3

          With enough mastery of your mana (in Evencia rules anyway), you can possibly manifest magic with any part of your body. Arms are obviously the easiest, and you can do stuff like throwing fireballs or making a flamethrower with your arm. You can also do fire magic with your legs and possibly, head. Kind of like the Avatar series, but the magic is more self-aware after you've had the time to connect with it. A beginner can make fire that doesn't hurt himself, but with more training, it won't hurt allies either.

          The reason Kaelem lost his arm is because he was able to manifest some powerful fire magic through his arm when he was still too young to even protect himself from his own powers. The fire burned through the inside of his arm, coming out his hand, and completely wrecked himself all the way through. :<