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royworship_wip by betsy



Felt like posting some personal hogwash here :]
You gotta full-view this to read my chicken-scratch-commentary lol.

Basically I'm working out a ref sheet for Roy but I need to doodle a bunch of concept junk before I can pick the final cut.

Also finally playing with the idea of adding yokai-tanuki ghost powers, which was partially both our ideas. He was thinking of full-on changing fursonas but is (like me) too attached to the rabbit. So this is our solution to that problem, making him a rabbit with tanuki, tanuki gifts ferocious coughing We still aren't 100% on what brings on the tanuki thing. We both kindof agree that it's either a defense mechanism like an "avatar state" or that he's "hulking". TF-power can be abused really easily and cheaply and we'd like to believe he needs to master his brain or emotions to be able to control it.


Here's some brain diarrhea at it's finest lol, have fun

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  • Link

    ahhh colo looking great so far ! nice notes too

    • Link

      Ha, thank you! My notes are rather crude and illegible, but they still make me laugh ;D

  • Link

    Beautiful work as always! <:D
    Very awesome expression work! XD

  • Link

    "Brain diahhrea"? "Personal hogwash"? This is AWESOME! 8D I keep saying it, but I still love the way Roy's ears flop down all Jar-Jar Binks style when they're resting (yes I just likened him to that Star Wars…thing…sue me 8U xP).

    I'm glad you finally posted it after teasing us with it in your streams for so long. xD

    • Link

      Haha, well it IS BRAIN DIARRHEA :D It flows swiftly, blocked by nothing, encased in pressure and stink, and released loudly lol. ..gross. But I digress, thanks Code! Actually him having Jar-Jar ears is a perfect way to describe them because they also are very fluid and can sometimes wave about like hair too :3 They aren't jello but they aren't stiff either! Haha, god it's true, I've been doodling this casually for probably a couple of months XD

  • Link

    OMG the Edgar "CAAAATS!!!" face, that IS a Milt face XD These are so gorgeous!

    • Link

      OH GAWD! I only really imagined a typical, classic, gaping, Milt Kahl black mouth with no direct source and NOW it cannot be UNSEEN!!! haha. Weirdly enough the characters I always muse over the most when drawing Roy are Snoops from Rescuers and Brer Rabbit. Thank you so much, this kind of stuff is what I live for :]

      • Link

        Oh pardon me, Gramps the rabbit from Rescuers lol...although Brer Rabbit's design is inspiring it it's own regard.

  • Link

    OMG I hope Roy is like this in REAL LIFE!

    • Link

      He is.... I promise hahaha

      • Link

        Its okay! I kinda like him even as a wabbit! I respect you and him a lot.

  • Link

    looks amazing! eee!! love your style! those expressions!

  • Link

    "I have a MOLE??" (gratuitous MiT reference)