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Wheezy Mop-Top by benanderson

Wheezy Mop-Top


Oh hey look, I've bothered to make a proper picture of Micky with a bio to match!

(c) Ben Anderson 2013

Name: Michael Dunbar

Nicknames: Micky, Mick, Chalky, Wheezy, Mop

Age: 24

Species: White Rabbit

Height: 6ft 0”

Weight: 172lbs

Nationality: English (Dad’s side), Scottish (Mum’s side)

Occupation: Drummer, Tattoo Artist

Hobbies: Painting, Photography, Drummer; Guitarist (Bass)

Personality: Twitchy, Cheery, Anxious, Reserved, Friendly, Self-Conscious, and Indecisive

Fun facts:

1.His parents both thought Micky was albino until he hit puberty; his goatee grew in black, whilst his eyebrows in the winter months turned jet black. Being completely absent of any colour has earned him the nickname “Chalky”.

2.He suffers from Asthma, hence the nickname “Wheezy”. Though it isn’t very severe and he rarely needs his inhaler, unless he starts smoking heavily.

3.He smokes pot at least once a week with his good friend Roderick “Red” Bower. Though, he is always the one who ends up buying it, as Red orders the pizza afterwards with his staff discount.

4.He is the drummer in Red’s Alt Rock band.

5.The band once played in the second tent at split festival 2012 to great success, but Micky played Bass on this occasion as the bass player had broken his hand a few days before. Micky pre-recorded the drum tracks the night before.

6.His parents are separated; he lives with his Mother.

7.His mother is a fine-arts lecturer and always eavesdrops on Micky when he’s painting.

8.He got his sleeve tattoo when he was 18. His mother demands it be covered when at family gatherings.

9.Despite living with his mother and her thick Glaswegian accent, he is far more softly spoken with a distinctive northern English accent. Specifically from the Sunderland area where his dad is from. Some Scottish twinges can still be heard on occasion. When visiting his grandparents in Glasgow, his accent suddenly transforms, becoming almost as heavy as his mum’s.

10.He works as a junior tattoo artist. He should’ve been promoted long ago, given his long list of satisfied clients and portfolio, but his lack of confidence and his manager’s tightwad nature means he’s still earning just above minimum wage.

11.He suffers from Anxiety and Panic attacks and has to take medication for it. Some attacks are so powerful he ends up fainting or vomiting.

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